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Author Topic: Where is "Lor"  (Read 66 times)


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    Where is "Lor"
    « on: April 07, 2007, 02:55:57 pm »
    for teh Dragon storm camp  quest tomarrow i have no idea where "Lor" is for a starting point.  can anyone explain to a new player how to get to Lor.


    Re: Where is "Lor"
    « Reply #1 on: April 07, 2007, 03:01:09 pm »
    check your maps


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      Re: Where is "Lor"
      « Reply #2 on: April 07, 2007, 03:10:03 pm »
      Quote from: Falonthas
      check your maps

      even when it does not take 5 min for the map to load i still can not find it

      anyone out there actually want too help  or just have smart remarks.


      Re: Where is "Lor"
      « Reply #3 on: April 07, 2007, 03:16:44 pm »
      Lor is the city on the Southern tip of Dregar. (used to be Lorindar)

      To get there you have a few options:

      Option A
      1.  Find a housing portal (or public one like the one at Hlint 106)
      2.  Jump to the East server (arrive in Arnax)
      3.  Take the ship directly to Lor

      Option B
      1.  Find a housing portal
      2.  Jump to the Central server (arrive Prantz)
      3.  Walk South (about 5 areas)

      Option C
      1.  Take a ship from Port Hempstead to Mariners Hold
      2.  Walk all the way across Alindor
      3.  Take a ship from Karthy to Lor

      There are more combinations than those above, but those are what comes to mind at this time.  Hope that helps.


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        Re: Where is "Lor"
        « Reply #4 on: April 07, 2007, 03:24:14 pm »
        Quote from: osxmallard
        Lor is the city on the Southern tip of Dregar. (used to be Lorindar)

        Ok i see it now thank you however since the "trade route" map is unaviable how do i get there?


        Re: Where is "Lor"
        « Reply #5 on: April 07, 2007, 04:04:35 pm »
        @allneal, that question was answered 8 minutes ago in this same thread, just above your post here.... ????


        Re: Where is "Lor"
        « Reply #6 on: April 07, 2007, 05:30:15 pm »
        didnt mean to come across as a smart remark
        most times in the past these were answered with a find out in game
        so check maps i thought would be a better response


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          Re: Where is "Lor"
          « Reply #7 on: April 07, 2007, 07:55:48 pm »
          Quote from: Leanthar
          @allneal, that question was answered 8 minutes ago in this same thread, just above your post here.... ????

          when i posted teh question his past was not on my screen, other wise i would not have asked it

          thanks Osxmallard  that was a big help, espically with three different way's too get there. i espically appreachite teh detailed  descriptions , with your help i surely will not get lost.  thank you again


          Re: Where is "Lor"
          « Reply #8 on: April 07, 2007, 08:33:16 pm »
          sorry about that confusion, i edited my post with directions after allneal posted.


          Re: Where is "Lor"
          « Reply #9 on: April 07, 2007, 09:17:51 pm »
          Quote from: Falonthas
          didnt mean to come across as a smart remark
           most times in the past these were answered with a find out in game
           so check maps i thought would be a better response
           Falonthas, other than the first paragraphs, this is not directed at you, just some general thoughts.
           Looking at the map and actually navigating the screens is two different things. Yes, most of the time these are requested to be asked IG. Perhaps a better reply would be,"These types of questions are preferred to be asked in the game instead of being posted in the forums. Ask someone how to get to your destination or have someone take you there." This response removes most of the ambiguity.
           I think the forums and responses are really starting to get hateful and disrespectful. Even if it is not meant to be that way, it can very easily come across as as such. The forums are the first place that new people visit when coming to the world. If the staff and players seem rude, short and intolerant to other people's questions, then they will probably be turned off and not try the world.
           A question to a veteran will seem like an easy question and would make the veteran wonder why in the world would anyone ask it. But to the new player, it is not easy or he/she simply wouldn't ask it. I don't think people are asking questions to be a burden, they just don't know. We can't fault them for that. There is SO much to this world. I have to empasize this...there is SO much to this world and it is huge. A person just starting out will have tons of questions. We should respect that and help them along.


          Re: Where is "Lor"
          « Reply #10 on: April 08, 2007, 12:50:33 am »
 surely is a huge world with lots of locations and things...very confusing for the new player.

          I remember as a fairly "young" player going on a mining trip to Dregar.  Once we were done, I had no clue how to find my way back.  Through the kindness (IC and OOC) of another player I was dutifully escorted back to the safety of Hlint.  I, as a player, and my character were very grateful to this PC and that experience has kind of shaped my own response to new players as well, or at least players unfamiliar with a particular section of the world.  

          Having said all that, I do believe it is usually best to try and ask others in-game for help in this regard.  Most people are willing to assist someone find their way to "Location X" and often some good RP comes of it.

          The way to get to Lor was described above.  If that's not sufficient, I do recommend asking in game.  That's not an attempt to deflect the question, but rather it's somewhat difficult to describe, in detail, how to go from someplace on Mistone to Lor.  It's much better demonstrated by someone helping you through all of it...and you never know...the experience my influence you for years to come!


