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Author Topic: Loot  (Read 692 times)


« on: October 23, 2005, 05:49:00 am »
A question:

Character A is in a fight and kills several monsters or whatever.. bodies are scattered with gold on the ground.
Character B witnesses the fight,(in character he is not so nice rogue or whatever).. and starts looting the bodies.. he's a sleazy guy so this is great RP..

Is this considered stealing ? I know Character A maybe none too happy but ?


RE: Loot
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2005, 06:08:00 am »
I am pretty sure it is against server rules. No stealing, pickpocketing or otherwise harming a PC directly.

Stealing, Pickpocketing and attacking a player can only be done via RP-dicebag and you will be prosecuted by court authority if caught.
And apparently there is a death sentence on mistone for heavy offenses. :p


RE: Loot
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2005, 06:13:00 am »
I'm not talking about pickpocketing or breaking in or taking anything off of a character or NPC ..I'm talking about loot on the ground that is there for the taking...

Any diferent that when I kill a hoard of spiders to get at the silk and someone waltzes in and helps themselves to the silk while I'm drinking poison antidote ?


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    RE: Loot
    « Reply #3 on: October 23, 2005, 06:17:00 am »
    (sneakily comes along invicible, takes the loot and runs off laughing)
    I like that.
    i very much doupt its allowed, but i suppose if they were to..leave it unattended and you don't see them, then i don' see why not.
    (Tip: get selective seeing, say you never saw him there then run for dear life* shrugs* i don't think i'm helping much.................)


    RE: Loot
    « Reply #4 on: October 23, 2005, 06:17:00 am »
    Well technically you are "stealing" the Loot he may have had a hard fight to get...
    Say you fight a bunch of heavy monsters and once you are low on health and strike the last monster down, just to have someone steal all the stuff right in front of your eyes is not very fun I tell ye.
    There might be a term for this kind of thing and I am sure you will get reported by the guy who just had his loot nicked, which can result in a ban.


    RE: Loot
    « Reply #5 on: October 23, 2005, 07:06:00 am »
    Well.... this is an RP server.

    So lets put ourselves in the shoes of the thief. Say he's a TN or CN rogue and he walks along and sees some guy fighting hard against a group of monsters, bodies strew about the floor. He's stolen before, so why not go ahead and loot these bodies while the 'hero' is busy fighting? Sure the hero gets angry, and rightly so. However, the hero should then be able to force the theif to give him back the gold in character, you know, threaten him a bit. After all, if the thief can't kill the monsters to get the loot in the first place, then it shouldn't be too hard to intimidate them to give back the gold.

    The only time I would see this as a problem would be if more than just gold was being taken. Gold can be found everywhere, but if it is a quest item (like the ogre chief's head) or just some incredibly rare item then I can understand why the player would get angry.


    RE: Loot
    « Reply #6 on: October 23, 2005, 07:20:00 am »
    Ne'er - 10/23/2005  7:06 AM

    Well.... this is an RP server.

    Yep so I suggest using the dicebag with relevant skills Pickpocket/Spot or something. (well pickpocket is what I feel is best to use although you not picking the chars pockest rather the corpses)
    That way you can still RP your char without mulin' (getting something without work on your part).
    But maybe L or a GM can enlighten us to the official rule on this.



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      RE: Loot
      « Reply #7 on: October 23, 2005, 07:26:00 am »
      Bryantiza - 10/23/2005  3:17 PM

      (sneakily comes along invicible, takes the loot and runs off laughing)
      I like that.
      i very much doupt its allowed, but i suppose if they were to..leave it unattended and you don't see them, then i don' see why not.
      (Tip: get selective seeing, say you never saw him there then run for dear life* shrugs* i don't think i'm helping much.................)

      I think this comes very to close to abusing the no PvP rule. This topic pops up once in awhile and it is always considered from the viwpoint of the rogue. However consider the other party involved. For them it will feel like a bad practical joke - fun for all but the victim. If some petty rogue came along and robbed Rolf and I played him completely IC you could be sure said rogue would be taking free-diving lessons in the Bay of Carocsa or of Krashin.

      We dont have PvP for very good reasons (one of the reasons I play here) and griefing is looked upon severely. The side effect is that the behaviour of certain characters will also have to consider that. Doing something you know cannot result in the appropiate response because of server rules is not good RP but very bad. It comes close to abuse of server rules and crosses the border to griefing.

      Now if you sent me a tell ingame and got agrement we could RP you trying to steal my loot, if I was in such a mood. What you can, cant and shouldnt do as a rogue depends greatly on how you interact with the other players (rather than characters). Respect their wishes and ask in advance and you will be suprised how much you can do.



      RE: Loot
      « Reply #8 on: October 23, 2005, 07:41:00 am »
      I agree that you should use the dicebag and properly rp it (although I think move silently and hide are more appropriate skills then pickpocket, since you are not robbing the person, but instead the bodies around him), and I also agree that should the thief get caught they deserve whatever fate comes upon them. For example, if Ne'er was caught doing something like that he would try and slink away, but I would be fine if the person wanted the gold back and would gladly return it.


      RE: Loot
      « Reply #9 on: October 23, 2005, 08:12:00 am »
      Alrighty folks:
        If you are not in the same party as a player that is killing creatures and you loot the bodies that is indeed a form of griefing/abuse.  Now, if you have permission from the player to loot or to RP your character in that way then you are fine.  This is one of those fine line things that we should not have to get in to policing, it is a respect thing. You would not want others looting bodies that you just killed.  Now... if a player is killing creatures and is clearly not looting, just killing and moving on to other creatures in other encounters then that is a different story but it needs to be crystal clear.
        I hope that helps.


      RE: Loot
      « Reply #10 on: October 23, 2005, 01:06:00 pm »
      You guys are looking at it from only one angle, the stealing of the loot since you're talking about it being IC RP...problem is you can't PK on this server and both my PCs, if they ever caught/saw someone do that, t'isn't: say old boy, I say, what are ye doing there "let's play dicebag"...t'is drive my swords threw yer dying body till yer blood is feeding the ground and yer dead.  But my PCs can't do that, so how fair would that make it if you guys could steal my loot?  I don't think at all *shrugs*


      RE: Loot
      « Reply #11 on: October 23, 2005, 01:22:00 pm »
      freemen2 - 10/23/2005  10:06 AM
      I don't think at all *shrugs*

      Can i quote you on that Path? ;)


      RE: Loot
      « Reply #12 on: October 23, 2005, 02:11:00 pm »
      LoL :p


      RE: Loot
      « Reply #13 on: October 24, 2005, 04:45:00 am »
      Path is right...

      but - you could make a "tell" to the fighter (or what ever) asking if he would be interested in that kind of RP....

      90% sure that I would say no can you trust a rouge player - playing honestly.. ;)


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      RE: Loot
      « Reply #14 on: October 24, 2005, 05:09:00 am »
      90% sure that I would say no can you trust a rouge player - playing honestly

      Or a rogue even... rouge area pain i know it... but im telling you its all about the rogues..sneaky buggers.  Oh if anyone wants to steal my loot be warned... i randomly fireball dead things sometimes... like there is a big oile of undead... *gasp* did that one just move *3 fireballs later* nope nope.. its dead... lets see what coin i found ahah!


      RE: Loot
      « Reply #15 on: October 24, 2005, 07:55:00 am »
      Hey, here's something I've got an active interest in...

      There are plenty of times I'll come across a party who's ahead of me in a certain area, fighting along against a group of things. Now, Pyyran's CG, just like me, so his philosophy on this is quite reasonable: If he shoots a few arrows into the bad things, he's helping! So, shouldn't he have the chance to check the corpses? And of course, if the others just move on, without bothering to see what the monsters had... No sense in letting it go to waste, you know?

      Now, quest items should always go to the lower level character who's after it, if there happen to be two people going for it. If they're the same level, or even just really close, then the one who would have a harder time coming back for it should get it. Just a courtesy issue, there. Of course, that's if we've got multiple people who came along specifically to get at it...

      RaWr. I need that Goblin Head. @.@


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      RE: Loot
      « Reply #16 on: October 24, 2005, 08:07:00 am »
      Why is this topic beginning to sound more like a way to circumvent the rules ;)


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        RE: Loot
        « Reply #17 on: October 24, 2005, 09:57:00 am »
        Simplistic - 10/24/2005  5:07 PM

        Why is this topic beginning to sound more like a way to circumvent the rules ;)

        Because it is....


        Dark Jester

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        RE: Loot
        « Reply #18 on: October 24, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
        Stephen_Zuckerman - 10/24/2005  7:55 AM

        Hey, here's something I've got an active interest in...

        There are plenty of times I'll come across a party who's ahead of me in a certain area, fighting along against a group of things. Now, Pyyran's CG, just like me, so his philosophy on this is quite reasonable: If he shoots a few arrows into the bad things, he's helping! So, shouldn't he have the chance to check the corpses? And of course, if the others just move on, without bothering to see what the monsters had... No sense in letting it go to waste, you know?

        Hrm. In my opinion, 'helping' like that, especially when it's not needed, just so you can have an excuse to loot corpses is disrespectful to the people that did most of the work to kill those creatures. I've been seeing this happen more often in the last few weeks too, and it's really frustrating. If you were not in the party that started the encounter, you should never touch a corpse from that encounter unless the party moves on and obviously has no interest in the corpse.

        Another thing I have been seeing that is kindof along the same lines as the above, is people waiting to 'help' until the creature(s) are almost dead, and then popping off a couple arrows or slashes and taking the kill, xp, and then they start looting on top of that. It's quite easy to get a general idea of how much health something has left by holding your mouse over it. If a person waits until Near Death to start 'helping' just so they have a better chance at the kill shot, I see that as a form of Griefing as well.

        Just my .02 :)



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        RE: Loot
        « Reply #19 on: October 24, 2005, 10:33:00 am »
        That seems a different topic to me all together but it annoys me to no end when people stop to 'help' me when i'm not in any trouble in the first place! Two places specifically that this happened to me is in the Broken Forest and just out side when I was taking out the ogres ... both times people came into the area and 'helped me' then got mad at me when I simply looted my corpes, wrote *shakes his head in aggrevation*, and did not say thank you for something that deserved no thanks whatso ever. If my status had sad badly injured or near death, I would have accepted the help graciously and allowed them the loot as payment for saving my life.

        Bottom line, don't assume someone needs help, ask first or at least use the injury status to RP why you aided in the first place. Someone who is badly injured or near death would look obviously well beaten up an in trouble. Both times, my XP was stolen from me when I was in complete control. Heck, my dire spider kills all the danged ogres off (along with my longbow) once I drop a call lightening into the mix on top of the ogre mage.