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Author Topic: Jury Duty  (Read 227 times)


Jury Duty
« on: September 14, 2005, 09:19:00 pm »
I have been summoned to jury selection for some trial.  I go in tomorrow morning for the selection phase.  If for some reason, they look past my extreme eccentricity and actually chose some one as clearly insane as I am to serve on a jury ( :P ), you +might not+ be hearing from me in awhile.

So heads up, Dorgie!!!  I will also pm you on this.  If I have the misfortune of being selected, I will try to contact you asap.   Worse case scenario (sequestered jury + long trial and/or hung jury)- if you don't hear from me by the night before the next instalment of Ael's cdq, postpone it until I get back with you.

I'm honestly hoping that tomorrow some time, I will be able to post here saying that I was not selected - but you never know.  :P

The irony of it - I was just discussing unexpected circumstances, earlier today, in the "Concerning Orc Quest:" string.  I had received a summons paper a few days ago....but a couple of times where this had happened to me before, the trial got canceled - and you learn of this through a recorded message at a number you call +only+ the night before you are supposed to go in.  But not this time!

Maybe I should stay up all night playing Layo and go in there majorly sleep deprived, in addition to being my ...uh...whatever-I-come-across-as self.  That should +really+ get me disqualified!  *evil grin as he looks up at the clock* :P

Just kidding, I need to be a "good citizen".


RE: Jury Duty
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 10:12:00 pm »
Good citizen? Wow. You must be American.

Have fun toying with some person's fate. The GMs tend to do it all the time, now it's YOUR turn. :D

I mean. Yeah. Honest, open mind and all that. Be a bleeding heart! Yeah. Yeah.

So long and thanks for all the fish!


RE: Jury Duty
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2005, 10:20:00 pm »

Uh, well, given that there are people of all ages and persuasions in Layo, I didn't want to set any "bad examples".  :P

But yeah - the police state +does+ exist; it could be said that +every+ country is one, but it's only a matter of degree.  And if I don't show up there tomorrow morning at the specified time and place, I will be looking at jail time and/or steep per-day monetary fines, the latter also enforceable by compelled seizure of property/accounts and/or +more+ jail time.

'Nuff said.

Oh yeah...and if I +do+ get stuck on that jury, I +will+ toy with their fates +with a vengeance+!!!!! And we're talking RL, baby!!!  *evil laugh*

They have no idea that my alter-ego in a fantasy world in which I immerse myself countess hours each week is a drow!  Probably don't even know what a drow is.  :P

Hope to see you all soon!


RE: Jury Duty
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 04:54:00 am »
The best way out should you not wont to do your civic duty is to dress in full StarTreck gear when you go
You will be in and out in seconds


RE: Jury Duty
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2005, 08:04:00 am »
Well - one side caved in only moments before the trial.  Probably got a bad premonition.  Good for them.  :P

So I dodged that bullet.  

*He buys a round of drinks for everybody*   ;)


Questions on web-speak
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2005, 08:33:00 pm »
I was browing elsewhere, and I saw that combinations such as "!!!" were implied shouts and not polite.

I didn't know that - sorry if I offended by using such things in this thread.  Live and learn - it won't happen again.

Is there some website that has a collection of all these little typo-symbols and their meanings?  I mean...I have figured out most of what i use through interacting with others.  But some times, people's meanings seem ambiguous, based on my understanding of what a given typo-symbol means.

It would be nice to have a web-dictionary of these symbols, other web-talk abbreviations, slang, etc...all in one place for reference.

I'll look into it, unless anyone can recommend a site.


