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Author Topic: Don't Rush The Server  (Read 40 times)


Don't Rush The Server
« on: June 27, 2006, 07:59:40 pm »
Just a friendly reminder.

The server was up, what, ten minutes?

EDIT: And either there's something very wrong with my NWN, or the Server Status page takes a while to actually update.


Re: Don't Rush The Server
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2006, 01:10:17 am »
it is not just you Stephan the server status pages does take long to update. I have seen it plenty of times with my character still on it whill I already logged off.
And i might be one of the people that rushes the server. :(  But can you blame me? I Love to play on layo and when I can I'd like to go back as soon as possible. ;)
I know I'm not the only one at this. but I will try to give the server more time next time it has to reset.