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Author Topic: Little Green Men  (Read 91 times)


Little Green Men
« on: September 01, 2006, 07:56:57 am »
Relations with other races:  Amongst other races, goblins are typically disliked. Goblins who have come to dwell among other races will try desperately to understand their social customs, and rely on innate cunning to survive – and perhaps even thrive – in their new surroundings.  
  Goblin Race Forum
  First thing i want to say is ive seen some really brilliant RP toward goblin kind and while playing Gribble ive been chased up trees, under platforms etc etc but i think people are to trusting of gribble first time, if your character has not seen goblins before just remember when you were killed by red light goblins at low levels. it should be when first seen people be very hostile toward goblins and be at arms to question him as killing is not allowed in Hlint, or rush to someone in the area to ask whats happend. if youve seen other goblins remember how alike us humans are. Gribble have 6 Charisma so is not very nice to look at and wether he is evil or not is up to you to decide when you (try) to talk to him heheh.
  i am not whineing and moaning im just giving a pointer and remeber im not the crazed goblin for nothing :p