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Author Topic: points of interest....  (Read 225 times)

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points of interest....
« on: June 18, 2005, 05:13:00 pm »
i'm not the greatest mathematician... but let's see....
level 1 carpenter...
30% chance of making oak saw dust...
that means roughly 1 in 3 or 4....
now... i KNOW each "flip of the coin" is the same... however... statistacally speaking, over time, it should even out....

27 attempts... 1 success... hmmmmmmmmm    maybe i need to study the "new math" again...



RE: points of interest....
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2005, 05:20:00 pm »
yeah, that's the new Bioware Math 101 for ya   : )


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RE: points of interest....
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2005, 01:36:00 am »
Yeah, but wait til you get in that streak where you get 26 out of 27.  You'll love it then.  Over time it really does work itself out to be about right.

I remember once, just for fun, I dropped in 8 or 9 garnet (I think, i forget which gem) and all the polishing oil and had a 15% chance.  I succeeded.  It was great, and i gained a TON of crafting xp from it too.

So don't get discouraged, I've had days where I only fail a couple of times, and I've had days where I've only SUCCEEDED a couple of times, hehe.


RE: points of interest....
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2005, 01:52:00 am »
Yup, sometimes just isn't your day, sometimes t'is christmas ;)


RE: points of interest....
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
It happens.

This actually happened to me and it shows you how the luck sometimes go.
I had a 90% change of success and failed 5 times in a row.

But then right after that I took a big chance on something where I had a 25% chance and I got success.

It happens.


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RE: points of interest....
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2005, 02:44:00 pm »
i am not complaining and i HAVE had a (very) few good rolls...  
just pointing it out... here is another  "HMMmmmmmm!!"

we get XPs for fishing...
we can "cook" the fish...
we got no XPs for the cooking.. (okay.. so what..)
now that i have 5 lbs of cooked fish and want to go out hunting... and need to eat....
well.....  what is the point of the fish food!!!  (and i LOVE fish... and more... sushi/sashime!!)  so... why do we not get our hunger satisfied???   or am i missing some important point here??? hehehhhehehehehehe

and there SHOULD be a REAL sushi/sashime crafting.  it should be higher level... say 7 or 8 food crafting at the least....(it IS an art, you know!!) but it should be there and consistant with sushi/sashime rule!!  ~ i offer my knowledge in this)

make is so, #1...'

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RE: points of interest....
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2005, 02:47:00 pm »
okay... it's been 45 seconds...
why is there no sushi/sashime on layo....
i want my money back!!!!!!!

Talan Va'lash

RE: points of interest....
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2005, 09:48:00 pm »
The fish dont make you less hungry right now, though I believe its fixed in the next update.

If you notice something like this check the bug reports, both of the things you brough up here have been discussed before, the bioware dice roller several times even.

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RE: points of interest....
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2005, 09:11:00 am »
aragwen - 6/19/2005  12:28 PM

It happens.

This actually happened to me and it shows you how the luck sometimes go.
I had a 90% change of success and failed 5 times in a row.

But then right after that I took a big chance on something where I had a 25% chance and I got success.

It happens.


hehhehheh   it happens FAR more than it statistically should... and more OFTEN than not.  i know this for a fact, and have mentally kept a bit of track of it.  however, you are correct... occasionally it will surprise the hell out of me.  it seems especially when curing white stag hides.  i have a 30% chance and have been hitting in the 90s...  but ONLY with that.  i have similar level with turning cured lion hides into leather where i have hit in the 1 in 16/17 rate  it is not as consistant as it should be on here... hehheh


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RE: points of interest....
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2005, 09:31:00 am »
Your lucky it's oak, wait untill it becomes something that costs 100K apeice and isn't a few areas away from Hlint. Bioware is out to get us all..


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    RE: points of interest....
    « Reply #10 on: June 21, 2005, 09:53:00 am »
    Chance to enchant an emerald....95%.
     "Hmm...95%, eh? Nah...dont wait those 7 minutes to rest and buff..what are the chances of a 1...ha....I'm really good at this!"
    *smiles to self, great big dumb smile, while enchanting the precious stone....then notices a crack in it*

    Bioware's not just out to get us. They're out to get us, stomp on our yummies, and cackle while we punch our monitors...


    RE: points of interest....
    « Reply #11 on: June 21, 2005, 10:13:00 am »
    Qui_Z - 6/21/2005  9:31 AM

    Your lucky it's oak, wait untill it becomes something that costs 100K apeice and isn't a few areas away from Hlint. Bioware is out to get us all..

    *cries the loss of five emeralds and thousands of hundrets of gold then remembers something, pauses and walks off happily*


    RE: points of interest....
    « Reply #12 on: June 21, 2005, 10:14:00 am »
    But there *IS* sashami!  Just ask Bjorn, cookin's fer pansies!  If you use the fish on yourself instead of the fire, you can eat it raw, and I don't think he's ever been diseased from it.  Steamed rice is also pretty easy to make.  Raw meat from mammals on the other hand will make him ill maybe one out of 20 times, whereas an elf would get sick 19/20. ;)

    You don't really get foodcraft xp for barbecueing, but if you take the standard meat to the baker's oven with some sage and salt, you can make a mean beef jerky to go with the steamed rice.  And yes, that method of meat cooking does help you gain experience in cooking.


    RE: points of interest....
    « Reply #13 on: June 21, 2005, 12:07:00 pm »
    Orth, Leanthar...busted. The cracked your code. I told you you shouldn't make the white stag more successful. It was a crazy idea anyways, why you wanted to secretely make the white stag armor making succeed more often then the others was beyond me. Some sort od sinister plot I assume ;)


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    RE: points of interest....
    « Reply #14 on: June 22, 2005, 02:21:00 am »
    Etinfall - 6/21/2005  3:07 PM

    Orth, Leanthar...busted. The cracked your code. I told you you shouldn't make the white stag more successful. It was a crazy idea anyways, why you wanted to secretely make the white stag armor making succeed more often then the others was beyond me. Some sort od sinister plot I assume ;)


    don't feel too badly, guys.... with a 40% chance of success in curing lion skins, i am now up to 37 failures in a row... and add to that, 5 or 6 white stage failures in a row.... hehheh  and, once again, i'm broke!!! sheesh.... and still too weak to go anywhere alone.... twigs ane small pebbles are still fatal to me....

    i DID have one success with a brown bear skin.....