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Author Topic: Luring monsters  (Read 474 times)

Talan Va'lash

Luring monsters
« on: September 20, 2005, 12:09:00 am »
This is really getting a bit ridiculous lately.  I've seen more lured monsters left on transitions and more dead chickens in the past week than I have in the entirety of the time I've played here.

Earlier today there was an earth glider on the transistion in the river area with the apples in rilara, and about 15 minutes ago a brown bear left outside morakens tower just killed a low level PC as he left moraken's.  According to Ifion (who was killed) the bear was barkskinned, so, this was an AEed animal someone was using to fight with... which makes it even worse that it was left right there, since it could have been taken anywhere and left if the character did not want to kill it for RP reasons.

I've run into a lot more instances of this in the past week, but I tend to not really give them much attention as they're not a threat to my character.  However, they are a threat to many characters.

And, its not "oh well, they ran into something nasty on the road, things like that happen"  Someone dying to something like this is not IC.  They tend to start attacking you before you even fully load the area, and thus cant see anything.  Also, any real animal or creature would not sit in the middle of the road for hours/days after what it was chasing is gone.

Do NOT do this.  It is inconsiderate, annoying and I think even against the server rules if the first two reasons are somehow not good enough.



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    Griffon in red light cave
    « Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 04:11:00 am »

    A griffon greeted me just inside the red ligth cave today. Someone or something had actualy drawn a griffon into the red light caves where it proceeded to race across the caves and then ended up attacking the gates going down.

    Took a screenshot of it - beats the swimming chickens of Saudiria.



    RE: Luring monsters
    « Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 04:32:00 am »
    Just imagine the effort of bringing a griffon there...


    RE: Luring monsters
    « Reply #3 on: September 20, 2005, 05:27:00 am »
    AE = animal empathy. No effort.

    Harloff - 9/20/2005  1:32 PM

    Just imagine the effort of bringing a griffon there...


    RE: Luring monsters
    « Reply #4 on: September 20, 2005, 06:07:00 am »
    To confirm what Talan said, yes, it's against server rules.
      It also shows a complete lack of respect for your fellow player. 
      This general topic came up recently in a slightly different way just recently. See here:
      Now, specifically on the issue of players who use Animal Empathy to tame certain creatures...*sighs*
      Either return them to where you found them or release them in some out-of-the-way location, but do not leave them outside of the town gates, near transitions or the like.  Remember that they are not summons.  If you log out, they stay behind.  They aren't dismissed, only released from your control. 
      And consider if such actions are consistent with the oaths/beliefs of druid and/or ranger classes.
      And so, before this thread turns into a "what if" -fest....
      We understand that accidents happen, but if you accidentally draw a monster to such an area, either find a way to kill it or to warn people about the danger (i.e. stand guard, post to the forums, etc).  Monsters lured to transitions can be very deadly, and leave an unlucky character who stumbles across them without opportunity to prepare and sometimes to defend themselves. 

    Lalaith Va'lash

    RE: Luring monsters
    « Reply #5 on: September 20, 2005, 08:54:00 am »
    "Monsters lured to transitions can be very deadly, and leave an unlucky character who stumbles across them without opportunity to prepare and sometimes to defend themselves"
        Yup.. Lalaith got her 4th death token a while back from that evil overwieght griffon being waaay off from where he belongs. 
      Normally she can defend herself, but not when she was kd' before I had a chance to do anything...
      So this is a problem not just for the lower level chars too :/ 


    RE: Luring monsters
    « Reply #6 on: September 20, 2005, 09:53:00 am »
    hmm walked through the door in haven castle and was attacked by a unharmed skunk.  The fact that it was unarmed makes me think it'd been dominated using animal empathy, not a problem for my characters at their levels but skunks are hard to kill for new characters.


    RE: Luring monsters
    « Reply #7 on: September 20, 2005, 10:05:00 am »
    Theres skunks there all the time i have killed atleast 50.

    Chrys Ellis

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      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #8 on: September 20, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
      Don't think only low level characters are guilty of this.  Xiao had the nice surprise of meeting up with a succubus at the first transition out of Arabel. Luckily, he was coming from the other direction (that is, was traveling south and met her at the south transition), so he had time to prepare (and by prepare, I mean he took a potion of speed and ran as fast as he could past the succubus), and managed to get to Lorindar to gather a party to take care of her. 
        If someone had been coming from Arabel, they would have had been greeted quite rudely by the succubus, and would have had no chance to do anything about it if they failed the will save vs. death.


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #9 on: September 20, 2005, 10:07:00 am »
      Heh inside the castle?...Maybe it's some crazy gnome idea of a living air freshener :)

      Talan Va'lash

      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #10 on: September 20, 2005, 10:51:00 am »
      @ Xiao - Yeah, I got killed by the death aura of that succubus once when it was pulled into the middle of the field outside arabel.  I didn't complain about that death though as it was in the middle of the area and would have been easy to avoid except I wasn't watching the screen while running across the plains :P

      About the skunks... those are just weird and having them in weird places doesnt neccissarily mean someone lured them.  All the skunks on west are weird because of the skunks that walk the waypoints at the lake north of hlint east outskirts.  All skunks are drawn to that area as they try to make their daily pilgrimage to skunk mecca as demanded by their religion.  The ones in haven probably decided it was faster to go through the desert and north and around to get there (since the intra-area pathfinding is often weird, I'm betting the inter area path finding can get really weird) and then got distracted by all those tasty chickens or something *shrugs*



      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #11 on: September 20, 2005, 11:03:00 am »
      The skunks are related to badgers I think...

      Skunk skunk skunk skunk skunk skunk skunk skunk skunk skunk skunk mushroom...

      Eh, anyway. Don't lure things. Luring things is bad...

      Well I know no one does it intentionally. BUT before you walk away from the scene, at least try to lure them to a place where they'll be less harm if you can't kill them. Transitions are the worst... after that traveled areas... and then away from roads and such... and finally the best place would be where they originally were from.. But anything's better than a monster next to a transition.


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #12 on: September 20, 2005, 11:22:00 am »
      I'm guilty of this.  While in the sewers in Hlint I once lured seven or rats back to the exit leading to the city, three also followed my charcter up but I had my character kill them.   What happened was my character was in a fight with three of them when they got him down to the point that he was badly wounded.  Not wanting to die my character fled.  Those three rats chased my character all the way back to the exit.  While he was running back to the exit I had picked up four more rats that had just respawned.  So here I had seven rats chasing me, and becuase of the limitations of the A.I. they wouldn't give up.  I had no choice but to leave them at the exit when my character zoned back to Hlint.

      What happened to my character couldn't be helped because of A.I. limitations: in this case the A.I. not knowing when to stop chasing my character.  If I could have dropped them off somewhere else I would have.  Trust me, the last thing I wanted was to enter the sewers again and have to kill a group of 4 rats.


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #13 on: September 20, 2005, 11:35:00 am »
      Right, like the other day when I was walking to Port Hampshire from Karthy and encountered three of Bloodstones dwarven guards right inside the AT outside bloody gate, 1 area away from thier normal spot. This wasn't a low level person exploring either, as I then sat and watched the person who probably brought them there dispatch them and go back for more, also bringing them near the AT on the other side. If I had gotten a DT from it I'd have been quite upset, and I'd think the people that do things like what I have given as an example here would know better. sad.



      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #14 on: September 20, 2005, 11:40:00 am »
      *sighs* And we all know that rats are the #1 cause of deaths in Hlint... all those poor poor people...  :) 
         Anyway, I think we all know that intentionally leading monsters to places where they can kill characters is wrong. Leading a Griffon (from the only place on Mistone that has griffons) to the Red Light Goblin cave is just flat out stupid. And killing Lala by leaving someone at an AT... how mean.
         Well whoever did it, ya know who ya are. And living with the guild of your mortal sins will be more punnishment that we could ever dish out...  ;)  *someone walks up and whispers in ZV's ear that it's just a game* Blasphemy! It's real I tell you! Real...!


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #15 on: September 20, 2005, 11:50:00 am »
      *whispers to Zero* Pssst... there are two places on Mistone with griffons...
        *walks off nonchalantly*


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #16 on: September 20, 2005, 11:58:00 am »
      ZeroVega - 9/20/2005  11:40 AM

      *sighs* And we all know that rats are the #1 cause of deaths in Hlint... all those poor poor people...  :)

      My point is the A.I. in this game is very limited.  Sometimes luring monsters can't be helped.  I left those rats there for someone else that is probably level 1, that probably has between 6 - 15 HP and low AC, to deal with.  For a chatater that's only level 1 four rats would be hard for them to deal with.  Maybe not life threating, but they could still kill someone at that level.  It doesn't matter how powerful a monster is when it kills someone.  A death is still a death.  Sure it doesn't mean anything, meaning that you don't lose anything, when you die under level 3, but from an RP standpoint it still does.


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #17 on: September 20, 2005, 01:09:00 pm »
      Ioskeha lighten up, Zero was kidding when he said that rats kill the most people in Hlint :) Such things happen, especially if you are a level 1 character and have just joined the game.

      Now the problem appears when high, and I mean very high, level people do this. Some weeks ago Rufus and Xiao were greeted in a usually tranquil area, by a Legendery Dire Bear, that resulted in Xiao's death, luckily there was no token. But seriously, when you go inside a cave alone and see an impossible creature with a band of guards, don't try the "Maybe I'll kill them" thing. This usually results in characters running away and luring of the creatures.


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #18 on: September 20, 2005, 01:38:00 pm »
      I think he was saying that even if it is only rats, it still put low level characters in danger and mattered from an RP standpoint.

      Or something. You know.

      Edit- But yeah. Still it's kinda. "Yeah. Rats. Hope Garent can handle THOSE.." kind of thing.


      RE: Luring monsters
      « Reply #19 on: September 20, 2005, 04:35:00 pm »
      Thank you, Acacea.  That's all I was trying to say, but I guess I didn't articulate it well enough.  That and because of the engine limitations the A.I. doesn't know when to break off their attack and stop following your character.

