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Author Topic: Magic  (Read 249 times)


« on: August 30, 2006, 04:58:02 pm »
There's been talk at times on irc and a few posts, including Varka's recent post that touch on magic, races, balancing, and other issues. I could have posted this on Varka's thread, but I thought since I'd like to focus on Magic I'd create a new thread.

First I'd like to say that Leanthar as always called Layonara a "Low Magic World." Compared to stock NWN and many PWs out there, that is the case. Though I would more likely call it a "Lower Magic World." It's not really a low magic world, it's just lower than many others. At best I'd call it "Mid-Level Magic."

In my mind, and I don't think I'm alone, in a low-magic world, powerful wizards and clerics should be rare. Magic items even rarer. The most common magic items should be potions and other consumable items. Very few magic items should be permanent in nature.

How does this translate to Layonara? Well, it would take some heavy modifications, but if it was so inclined for nwn2, I would recommend seriously reconsidering magic.
Some suggestions:

1. Halve the spell progression for any caster class. Assuming there is still level 1-20 and 21-40 as epic, then make it so spells are gained at half the rate. By the time a wizard gets to level 20 s/he would have the spells of a level 10 under normal rules. It would take an epic wizard to progress into the higher levels of magic. Same is true for any caster class. It would take a near epic caster to raise dead and resurection would be a truly epic act.

2. Require more components for spells.

3. Eliminate/replace most magic items. Perment magic items should be rare high level drops. Excitement can still be added and maintained with single use or charged items.

4. Tone down, eliminate, or severely restrict the number of the more "magical" races. Races in general should be more restricted. Always have human unlimited, but put scaling quota limits on the other races. X many elves per months, Y dwarves, etc. The subraces should be even more rarer with tighter restrictions.

5. Restrict the caster classes as well. Unlimited fighters, rogues, barbarians. Then some number of rangers, paladins, bards. Then even fewer wizards, clerics, sorcerers.

6. Implement more stringent resting restrictions. Resting to regain all magical ability every 10 minutes is much to often and fast. Perhaps even scaled resting systems. Out in the wild and/or dungeon if you rest, you can rest a little more often but you only can regain a part of your spells or maybe only the lowest level. If you take the
time to go to a safe place like a town, fort, etc then you can do a full rest where you can fully study your books, pray to your god, etc and then you gain back everything.

7. Keep death meaningful. Have strong penalties for death/respawning. Since raise/res is rarer, they can completely eliminate or greatly reduce penalties. Perhaps add a system where on death a character with a party can choose not to respawn and a party member can take something representing their "body" with them. At great cost, or perhaps even requiring a GM run quest, an NPC could be hired/convinced to raise/res the character.

There are probably other ways I can think of, but this is a start.


Re: Magic
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 05:17:25 pm »
If (and it is still a BIG IF) we go to nwn we will not be as low magic as we are now. It will be more of a mid magic world--but not high magic like FR etc. Just a heads up.... and that is a big IF.

Xandor Loriland

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Re: Magic
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 05:22:04 pm »
Well I was going to comment but it looks like L's comment makes the discussion moot.  Sounds like we would be looking for ways to raise the magic level a bit rather than lower it.  I like the idea of mid-level magic since magic has always been part of D&D.  If all of the above suggestions were implemented there would be much less variety in the world.  I like things the way they are and a bit more variety in magic would be even better.  My 2 cents.


Re: Magic
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2006, 05:59:08 pm »
Doesn't change the fact that humans and the basic fighter/barbarian/rogue classes are underplayed. And no, I don't really count the billion rogue multiclasses, as they are rarely the focus RP wise.  ;)

I like race quotas. You don't have to scream "more restrictions!" and run away, the problem with things like that is poor organization. Just slap a big thing at the top of the forums saying "Approved races this month: Drow: 1/1, Half-giants: 1/2, Elves: 3/x..." etc. Just add to the tally whenever one is approved, making humans unlimited and the usual default races have limits but hard-to-reach ones. Just to prevent having 16 elves, 2 humans, 3 drow, a dwarf, a goblin, and 3 aasimar paladins of Toran in a single month.

Part of what's cool about playing a rare thing is that it seems exotic. It's fun you include them, but you also need to preserve what's rare about them.

I don't see how being aware of how (un)common some things are "restricts variety." Having 50 aasimar paladins of Toran doesn't help diversity, in my opinion, nor does 200 Lucindite wizards.


Re: Magic
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2006, 06:07:09 pm »
"....I like race quotas. You don't have to scream "more restrictions!" and run away, the problem with things like that is poor organization...."

I hear you. But it is not 'poor organization'. It is more time and time constraints and everything else on our plate..of which there are tons.

