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Author Topic: A second chance  (Read 86 times)


A second chance
« on: September 06, 2005, 07:04:00 pm »
I have played on this server for a mere few weeks but have already caused large problems. Despite the joy and happiness this server has given me I haven't given it the respect it deserves. I fed greatly into the card exploit that several of us know of. I know of all the people who did this card selling trick they could not have done as much harm as I have and apologize deeply.

What seemed to be a quick way for a few gold pieces turned into a horrible habit for something that dosen't give as much as it really costs. I would not take even a whole million gold pieces in exchange for the joy of this community. Thanks to our respected DM staff I am granted a second chance here and wish only to make the best of it. I never had the inentions of disrespecting others or taking away from other's gameplay but I had felt content with personal gain inspite of other's who had worked much harder for what they earned. This was wrong, it was wrong because it takes away from the meaning of a community where we should all treat each other as we would treat our most respected of friends.

I plan to have a larger view of this and the way this server works, it isn't about gain or progress, it is about fun. Good clean fun where we treat each other in a utopian fashion, not because we have to but because we want to. Where we don't need to worry about anything but keeping our friends alive and hopefully brightening their day if only for an hour or two.

With no intentions to ever violate explotation and to read all the rules specifically I am glad to stay for my second chance on with this great community. I hope everyone can do the same and let me show the respect I have debted to you all.

Thank you again GM's and thank you to all you players as well who I have such a great time playing with.


RE: A second chance
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2005, 08:21:00 pm »
aye.  grace.

see you in game.


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RE: A second chance
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2005, 03:53:00 am »
Well said, and proof you deserve your second chance. Welcome home.

Talan Va'lash

RE: A second chance
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2005, 05:08:00 am »
Zhofe - 9/7/2005  4:53 AM

Well said, and proof you deserve your second chance. Welcome home.

I'm gonna second this statement.



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RE: A second chance
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2005, 05:33:00 am »
I couldn't agree more, it takes a lot to admit your mistakes publicly.

 Have fun on Layo! :)


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    RE: A second chance
    « Reply #5 on: September 07, 2005, 07:11:00 am »
    Everyone makes mistakes at some point, but rarely do they apologize or say anything such as this. See ya in game :D

