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Author Topic: Marianna  (Read 154 times)

Quercus the Navigato

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    « on: September 24, 2005, 06:33:00 pm »
    Since this seems to be the forum for expressing frustration, let me do so.

    First, let me ask, how many folks have been killed because they miscalled a ma'am a sir?  I was in the sewers fighting rats (I'm very new), and having a bit of trouble with the last two.  Marianna helped with one, while I killed the other.  I called out "Thank you, sir".  The response was *smiles* and a flaming sword in the gut.  

    I joined Layonara because I'd been told it was a good family friendly place to RP, and that you could pretty much count on being safe from marauding PC's.  If this is the norm, killing for fun, then frankly, I think the "family frinedly" is a misnomer.  

    Is this the norm?  Or is Marianna a deviation from the rules?

    Quercus the Navigator


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    RE: Marianna
    « Reply #1 on: September 24, 2005, 07:23:00 pm »
    there is no PVP here, if you were attacked by another PC they are breaking the rules in a bad if she just types it out, then it could be taken as a joke.


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    RE: Marianna
    « Reply #2 on: September 24, 2005, 07:24:00 pm »
    Ummmm .... I know a Marainna very well who wouldn't do something like this. Are you sure that no accident occured here? Misclicking is possible, I know, I misclicked and attacked Derrick once and almost got myself gutted.

    I don't want things to get out of hand here .... so before we accuse, lets try and clarify what happened. I know getting killed can be frustrating, but it is not something that happens often. I am sure it was a mistake.


    RE: Marianna
    « Reply #3 on: September 24, 2005, 07:25:00 pm »
    Uhm yeah thats pretty out of the blue, PvP is strictly not allowed in any unadvised form. I am sure a DM will post or send you a message about this.


    RE: Marianna
    « Reply #4 on: September 24, 2005, 07:27:00 pm »
    First off, PvP is against server rules unless approved by both a GM and the players involved.  As suck, PKing (Player Killing) is against server rules.  Accidents happen, and have happened, and will happen again, but if a player accumulates too many PKs, they are out.
      Any instances of PKs are logged, and if a GM had been on at the time, he/she would have come and determined what the situation was by speaking to you two and anyone else who may have witnessed the event.
      Having said all that, it is very unlike Marainna to intentionally PK someone.  In fact, you have the dubious honor of being her only (as far as I can tell) PK.  That may be little consolation for you, but indeed, such events are not the norm...for her or anyone else.  Besides all that, Marainna's character just doesn't do stuff like that.
      So, I cannot help but think that incident was anything but an accident. I'd also be interested to hear what Marainna has to say about all of this.
      I'm sorry, whatever the reasons, that your first experiences on Layonara were such.  Just about anyone here will tell you that such things are not the norm. We have rules about PKing, griefing and lots of other things that suck the fun right out of worlds, and we follow them as best we can.  Spend a little more time here before you go making judgements as to whether "family friendly" is a misnomer.


    RE: Marianna
    « Reply #5 on: September 24, 2005, 08:07:00 pm »
    What Dorganath said.

    Accidents do happen on occassion. I know a Marainna and, as already stated, she would not intentionally PK anyone.

    This server is the most family friendly I have seen. Cursing is non-existant, childishness is almost non-existant, and PKing is a huge rarity. Plus, all the players are very nice and wonderful. :)

    I too am sorry you had a bad experience. They aren't the norm here. Not at all.

    I hope you stick around so you see we are right. :)


    RE: Marianna
    « Reply #6 on: September 24, 2005, 10:38:00 pm »
    I was retrieved by another player who witnessed this event happen. They told me that they just saw a lower level player attack Marainna and her auto attack PK'd them. I immediately alerted Leanthar to the issue who logged in at that time but could only reach Mara as you (Quercus) logged in and out a couple times and would not respond to tells.

    Attatched you will find the jpg showing that Quercus attacked Marainna first resulting in the auto attack response which killed him.  In addition your avoidance of response to tells to explain yourself has resulted in your banning from playing until you speak with Leanthar and explain why you attacked.

    This has nothing to do with calling a person ma'am or sir as the log clearly shows. Lets please be honest in our posts.



    RE: Marianna
    « Reply #7 on: September 24, 2005, 10:51:00 pm »
    well here I am ,
    Quercus is right he did call me sir ..he didnt see my face since I had a helmet on ...i took it off then I typed in *smiles*, thats when he attacked me, Im sure it was unintentional on your part.I do enjoy helping new players as many here will tell you..some are twice my level now. I tried to use a potion but it was too late. I gave you a tell but you didnt respond..please dont hold my actions against this server ...

    the list is too long on how many of us truly enjoy the hard work and dedication that the DM's put into this server...

    you are right it is a family place ...somewhere you can put your trust in and have some great heart pounding fun...dont let this incident ruin it for you ..if I could I would gladly trade places with you because even if something happened like this to me I would still come back.

    well Ive said enough ..hope to see you in game..please dont be mad at me . :)
    There can be only One.


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      RE: Marianna
      « Reply #8 on: September 25, 2005, 03:17:00 am »
      You'll be fine....unless you are in darkness and Zeos comes along....
      The only time Zeos has pked someone was when I entered Seirwood cave to find a huge pit of darkness where the Kobolds usually are.... now due to foolishness on my part guess what i went and did............. I fired off a friggin fireball, straight into the middle of the darkness....*cough then grumbles* poor drow didn't stand a chance (sorry again). Accidents do happen, but accidents happen even more when your with a wizard (trust me i've been hit by about 3 fireballs myself, and no, i did not fire them at myself)
      Even know my PK was an accident, I still haven't gone about getting a DM to remove it since it was my mistake and its there to remind me 'Watch where you fire your fireballs foolish wizard' (I believe Aleister would happily come and second the fact that Zeos is a foolish wizard just because he can)
      Well i think i've mumbled on for quite long enough. so the moral to my boring story is, even though some PK's do happen, the person that does PK you feels guilty enough from killing you (*shifty eyes* try and get some money out of them  ;) ...only joking), luckily when i killed the drow we both found it pretty funny when we talked about it afew hours afterwards. Just don't take someone pking you too personally. 99.99% of the time its an accident and it gives you something to laugh about later on.


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      RE: Marianna
      « Reply #9 on: September 25, 2005, 03:57:00 am »
      As everyone here has said "mis-clicking" can look like someone is tring to PK. I have attacked party members before and am just glad we were about even so nobody died  :)

      as a matter of fact someone I game with alot was casting good spells on me a day or two ago and, she misclicked and attacked me inbetween spells. As soon as I noticed what my character was doing I clicked in an open area so I would not attack anymore. we both looked at our logs, apoligesed, and then laughed about it.

      This is a greate place to RP and have fun, please give us another chance  :)


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        RE: Marianna
        « Reply #10 on: September 25, 2005, 05:18:00 am »
        dont forget the infamous happens.... i know how ya feel but im sure it was an accident

        Quercus the Navigato

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          RE: Marianna
          « Reply #11 on: September 25, 2005, 09:28:00 am »
          I obviously can't argue with the log, but I did not intentionally attack Marianna.  I cannot explain how that might have happened.  I'm very aware of the risk a misclick brings, so am very careful about it.

          However, I've been banned for life, so - see ya!


          RE: Marianna
          « Reply #12 on: September 25, 2005, 10:12:00 am »
          I don't think you have been banned for life.

          From what I gather after the incident you logged on and off several times and you didn't respond to the attempts of those who were trying to figure out what happened, since it looks/looked as if you were the instigator of the incident that led up to you being killed, your account was banned until you could be reached via PM and everything could get straightened out.

          Not that I have final say in this or anything, but, if you and the other player involved were willing to chalk the incident up to an accidental OOC misclick issue I see no reason why we can't all 'just get along' so to speak.

          I imagine, If you have not been un-banned it's either because the issue has not been resolved via PM, the people handling this issue are either out of town or really busy RL, or you yourself has chosen not to take up the issue and have it resolved, allowing the current ban to remain even though it was not a lifetime one.

          I've never seen anyone banned on Layonara without a public notice post from Leanthar, and I don't find you on the banned list. So, yeah... thats about it, up to you I suppose, if you choose to work it out and everyone is amiable you'll probably be reinstated without a hitch.


          Quercus the Navigato

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            RE: Marianna
            « Reply #13 on: September 26, 2005, 06:31:00 pm »
            I have responded to PM's, but have made sure that all in the PM's has also been posted publicly, in the interest of transparency.  The ban for life stands, as apparently un-named "community members" spoke out.

            My first effort at online gaming, and frankly, pretty poor results.  I will not try again.


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            RE: Marianna
            « Reply #14 on: September 26, 2005, 06:45:00 pm »
            Well ... I can't really say "sorry" or anything ... because you were very ready to accuse someone else when it was an accident, and continually dodging in-game tells and PMs isn't a good thing. As your forum account is still here, it doesn't seem like you are banned.... so ... well ... I don't know what to say.

            I hope you find something you like out there.


            RE: Marianna
            « Reply #15 on: September 26, 2005, 07:13:00 pm »
            You have not/were not banned for life. I was on vacation and was out of town and it took a while for you to respond to me after I did a temporary ban until we could speak (I did the temp ban days before I left town). I am back now, however after seeing your poor attitude here on the forums I am not sure I should unban you.
              Now, if you want to PM me with a mature approach we will go from there.  But your poor attitude in this thread is not a good reflection.
              If you were 'banned for life' rest assured you would have been informed as such by ME and you and I would have spoken.  But since you are so quick to jump to conclusions and accusations you now need to tell me why you should not be 'banned for life' and do so in a PM as this little forum tit-for-tat is not mature and is not condusive to a good community.
              This thread is now locked.

