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Author Topic: Rules on polymorphing  (Read 133 times)


RE: Rules on polymorphing
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2005, 09:40:00 pm »
PsychicToaster - 9/25/2005  8:12 PM

It is poor roleplaying to remain polymorphed/wildshaped for one simple reason:

You are exploiting the No PVP rule by placing others in a position where they cannot appropriately respond to an obviously threatening creature. That includes bears and elementals and so on.  If the rule was not in place you would be attacked.  

I have a crafting wizard too.  I know the advantages of using polymorph to carry ore and gems back to town.  But please do others the courtesy of turning off your forms before going into town.  It is not that far from the gates to the forge or crafting hall.  You can make it a screen and a half walking through town, trust me.   ;)

While I do not disagree with this 100%, I do disagree enough to reply. :)

I do no think it is poor RP if it is in the character's normal RP to play. As I stated, Luna often times forgets she is shifted. One shape is just as good as another to her. So if she comes into town and people cause a ruckus, then she will realize why and change. To me, that is acceptable RP. She is a DRUID. To her, being an animal shape is just the same as being elf. And it's not *her* fault that the towns people are scared of a big bear just cause they don't know better. ;) (That is Luna's perspective, not the player's. The player understands why people would freak. I would freak if I saw a huge bear or a cheetah casually strolling through town)

As for being loaded and "walking" through town to the craft hall. Luna can carry 110 pounds. That's it. So, if she is carrying 500 pounds of minerals and ore, she does not "walk". She makes a painful attempt at walking. As such, she remains in dire bear form.

When she remembers, she tries to skirt the town to the north. *shrugs*

Oh, and Luna is never obviosuly threatening. A cheetah or bear or snake, or whatever traveling down a road, minding it's own business is not threatening. Now if she was rampaging and growling and looking aggresive, then she would be obviously threatening. :)

Guardian 452

RE: Rules on polymorphing
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2005, 10:03:00 pm »
If we are gonna split hairs here...

1. a Cougar or Cheeta would have a fun time opening a city gate. *could always RP coming thru some hole in or under the wall I suppose.

and the most likely to happen....

2. a guard would most likly shoot it anyway for sport or meat.

3. Some hungry commonor or stret urchin will try make you into super.

4. The local boys will tie tin cans to you tail and chase you.

Mind you of you saying a cougar or whatever outside of town.. thats a different story all together.




RE: Rules on polymorphing
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2005, 05:20:00 am »
You should be fine in house cat or macaw form, assuming you stay out of arm's reach from hungry dwarves.