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Author Topic: Yarrr, ahoy!  (Read 120 times)


Yarrr, ahoy!
« on: September 19, 2007, 09:07:14 pm »
I cannae believe me eyes - there be no posts, nae e'en a thread, fer ITLAPD!

Avast, Layonara, and heave to!  Prepare t' give up yer booty!



Re: Yarrr, ahoy!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2007, 09:40:30 pm »
Arrrrggh, ya scurvy fleabag wit' yer pretty words.

Darkstorme, yer a GM now in a lofty position,
But we all know yer beset with some strange affliction.

Mind yer submissions ye swabs, should ye choose to complete,
'tis a very sharp point, 'tween success and defeat.

Ye be the approver that we all dread,
Dunnae go too far or ye'll end up wit' a 'ole in yer head.

Ye be a man who be full of guile,
Some of us know, the blackest 'eart wear the broadest smile.

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Yarrr, ahoy!
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 10:26:38 pm »
Arrgh, Ye mean it be here too?
Some of us have been deal'n wit the likes of ye all day tis day!

Any more of it and you'll be walk'n the plank!


Re: Yarrr, ahoy!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 10:54:58 pm »
Nay, it's Pseudonym who'll take that walk,
For though 'e tries to talk the talk
'E finds himself an odd transition
T' rhyme "affliction" wit' "position"

An' all ye knows that pirates rhyme
An' dance, an' sing - why all th' time!
So ne'er was the pirate born
Who was of rhyme an' meter shorn.

Despite all this, yer words bite true
(As those of lubbers of'n do)
Me way to welcome folks aboard
'tis with a pen more cruel than sword.

In me defense, I mean no harm
To ego, or t' cause alarm
I merely try t' make it so
Those characters that pass me know

Their bios were of purest gold;
Gives them a story to be told:
Of when they traveled Darkstorme Reef
And passed, approved, to their relief.

But there be no need for such peril
For clerics of Katia and Beryl
And fighters, sorcerers and those
Who fear me eye upon their prose.

The waters 'round the reef will be
As calm as the surrounding sea
Th' reef still lurks, but passage will
No more the softer spirits kill.

I tip me hat to you, me friend
As here me verse draws to an end
My mien, as always, bears no ire
I'll dampen down the "trial by fire."



Re: Yarrr, ahoy!
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 11:10:38 pm »
Credit where credit is due ... brilliant.

*tips his broad-brimmed pirate hat to darkstorme (only 10% mockingly)*

