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Author Topic: Merchant Benches  (Read 57 times)


Merchant Benches
« on: May 12, 2006, 12:35:29 pm »
DeadHead Fred - 5/11/2006  6:56 PM

Hear ye, hear ye!

Let it be known throughout the land that the benches in front of the Orc Bashers' Shop in east Hlint shall hereafter be called the 'Marketbenches'.  Those with goods to sell, be they made by hand, or acquired after 'gentle use,' shall sit here and await buyers.  Those desiring to buy such items may come here and inquire of those seated about their goods.

To avoid confusion amongst the residents and visitors of Hlint, please refrain from using the Marketbenches unless you are actively engaged in commerce.

So let it be!


Re: Merchant Benches
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2006, 06:02:42 pm »
that's cool.  I'll have Bjorn there selling lesser stat gear soon ;)