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Author Topic: Hectic day  (Read 160 times)


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Hectic day
« on: May 12, 2006, 09:33:58 am »
I woke up this morning, to a nice sunny day, and i'm sitting by my pc, happily looking around the forums when I see some policemen arrive outside my house. I didn't take any notice of it at first, but then after they left I decided to have a glass of water.
  So I was standing by my door, having a drink when I noticed something strange about my shed. Naturally I investigated immediately.
  Upon examining my shed I saw that the thing I had saw was the top metal panel of my shed bent back, and upon looking round the corner and I saw the whole side panel of my shed kicked through.
  I quickly ran indoors and phoned my dad, and told him what had happened. I went back outside again and I saw one of my neighbours who told my what had happened, and then I quickly went in doors to wake up my brother so that he could tell me when the police arrived again.
  I went back again, and afew moments later I the police arrived. I let them in and we went out into the garden. I noticed before hand that about 40% of the tools which were in the shed had been stolen and luckily my neighbour saw it all happen, and we also caught in on camera.
  So I had the CSI come round to check for finger prints, they found all of the stolen in our other neighbours shed.
  Luckily when the police arrived in the first place they scared the thieves away and they were able to recover all the things stolen but they've took it all with them to see if they can get any more evidence. Apparently it was my neighbours grandkids and their friends. They broke in to steal tools so they could sell it so they could buy more drugs, but luckily the police caught most of them.
  *sighs* thieves all over the place. I for one must say the british police have done me proud today, and I hope they keep up the good work.
  What a day, ay?
  Non of my neighbours phoned the police though, it was the builders eating their lunch in the carpark we think. You see the kids were shouting abuse at them and stuff and then one of the builders must have spotted them doing it so they phoned the police. heh, thats what you get when your rude to builders. *chuckles*
  The reason my neighbours didn't want to phone is because they're scared of having their windows smashed to, which is fair enough.
  Well hopefully things will settle down abit now, but i doupt it. Other than nextdoors grandkids, I live in a pretty nice area.


Re: Hectic day
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2006, 09:44:59 am »
Wow mate, what a day indeed! Good to hear the purps were apprehended.

Yeah I reckon that our police are great, and do not deserve a lot of the critisism that the press lines them up for.



Re: Hectic day
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2006, 10:08:20 am »