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Author Topic: Proper thank you's  (Read 68 times)


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Proper thank you's
« on: May 07, 2006, 01:21:17 am »
I want to post a substantial thank you to the DM/GM team and in particular Nova and Amaris.  Yashilla's ECDQ gets ran early in the morning/late in the evening for everyone involved it seems.  People aren't necessarily thinking clearly or well as a result.  Not to mention that the ECDQ is supposed to be a substantial challenge with out all of that.

It seems too often folks are behind the scenes griefing over DM/GMs about inequity and things of the like.  I know based on what I've heard that some view my character as being favored by some of the GM's or is at least compliments I've received on how I play Yashilla are perceived as that.  Last night depicted in no way a favoritism.  In fact, and I'm embarrassed to say this, last night is the first time I had to call for a pause in a quest event due to my frustration getting too high.

Why am I saying this?  I've endorsed the team before and whenever the smallest bit of doubt rises within me, I am again impressed by the maturity and evenhandedness of the team.  Last night was no exception.  It is not easy to be on the listening side of a rant.  Believe you me I ranted.  What came of it?  Little, when it came to the quest itself and I think all would agree that is appropriately so.  One shouldn't be able to rant and have it result in progress.  That could and should be dubbed as maniupulative.  However, A LOT CAME in terms of interpersonal understanding.  Communcation was more clear and a grander sense of respect for one another was exemplified.  It is real easy to take the short way out for a quick justification payoff.  However, we did it the long way and all was much greater as a result.

My deepest apologies to those who experienced me at the height of my frustration: Lia, Celgar, and Goldwin.  My deepest gratitude to both Nova and Amaris for being willing and patient enough to see through frustrations and work through misunderstandings.  I think I'm almost back to square one in the quest, however, having been heard and doing some listening myself, I am happy to say, it will continue to be an enjoyable experience.  After all that is what the team is here for.  So...

THANK YOU Layo Team.  It's been a good ride and all signs point to it continuing to be so.  You will continue to have my support.

Sincerely and much Respect.



Re: Proper thank you's
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2006, 07:08:08 am »
Good job Minerva and Ice. Sounds like you had to have some patience here though I am not sure what happened at this time. It is a good sign though when player(s) come and post something like this. Well done.


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RE: Proper thank you's
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2006, 07:22:34 am »
The really short of it is what was stated in the beginning: I was just extremely confused and had no idea what to do or how to get anywhere.  I missed some cues and after trying a few things and not thinking clearly got no wheres or had any idea what to do.  I will add that due to the frustration the IC actions of NPC's just compounded frustration levels and so I called for a time out.  They really did a fine job showing a lot of patience and it was appreciated.


Re: Proper thank you's
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2006, 11:13:58 pm »
Im glad it all got worked out. Thanks for talking to us rather than holding it in and just getting mad.