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Author Topic: Crafting question  (Read 42 times)


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    Crafting question
    « on: March 23, 2007, 02:23:44 am »
    I know this has probably been answered two years ago but I couldn't find a thread for it..

    As we all know when you craft multiple items you either succeed or fail with the whole stack..

    My question is when determining success or fail, does the RNG roll once for the whole stack, or once for each item (meaning in the latter case one failure would cause them all to fail, and the actual chance of a successful stack would be much less?)


    Re: Crafting question
    « Reply #1 on: March 23, 2007, 02:40:17 am »
    One roll per stack. That is why you will never have a partial success or partial failure.
    For example: Three full recipes on the bench at once, you will never have 1 success and 2 failures or 2 successes and 1 failure. It is all or nothing.


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      Re: Crafting question
      « Reply #2 on: March 24, 2007, 12:04:54 am »
      Thank you..  Guess I'm just not a lucky crafter


      Re: Crafting question
      « Reply #3 on: March 24, 2007, 12:13:19 am »
      A way to make it work one at a time without piling the whole recipe on each time is to just leave one ingredient out.

      For example, loading three hundred skeleton's knuckles into the enchanting pool, but only dropping in one vial of Holy Water at a time.