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Author Topic: MMO PC building question  (Read 44 times)


MMO PC building question
« on: November 27, 2009, 05:57:25 pm »
Seeing OneST8's post about exciting things to come over the next few months brought up a key question to me.
 There has been much talk over the last couple of years about fresh starts with the MMO. And as far as I can tell everyone is in favor of that, and it just makes sense as well as being the most fair way to move forward.
 I see three blocks of players in the near future, the testers, the current community (non-testers), and the new players that will come to the MMO.
 I am guessing that the MMO is advanced enough to have the whole PC building and progression part worked out. I am also guessing that the testers have built and progessed PCs.
 My request/question is can we (the current community), in order to advance the goal of fresh starts and fairness, have an understanding of how PC builds and progression will work in the MMO?
 This will at least add some fairness to the current palyer base and not give unfair advantage to the play testers. I am sure every one of us would have been happy to be a play tester had it been open to us.


Re: MMO PC building question
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2009, 07:33:39 pm »
Heh given the numbers they are shooting for, I wouldn't be all that surprised if most of the community served as testers after the teams involved in building it.

But I dunno.


Re: MMO PC building question
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2009, 07:42:56 pm »
I'm ah-making Earl Jr. as my first character!  Just be forewarned... ;)

Dorax Windsmith

Re: MMO PC building question
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2009, 10:51:59 pm »
Bring that Ninja Ranger out of retirement!


Re: MMO PC building question
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2009, 11:26:05 pm »
While I do not believe we'll release a "how to build the best X character" guide of any sorts, I believe we have planned to release a list of all the skills, the attributes, the effects attributes have on skills, the various limits of the skill-based system and so forth.

The basics of progression are very simple:  You can skill points by doing things, and when you gain a certain number of "leveling" skill points, you gain a level.  With each level, you will get some number of attribute points to add as you see fit. Pretty simple.  There's more to it than that, of course, but that's the gist.

And for the record, it's actually untrue that the development team has had the opportunity to progress characters in any meaningful way.  The game has been changing on too frequent of a basis to really support build/progression testing, especially when as part of such changes, the character database has to be wiped and rebuilt semi-regularly.

In terms of your concerns for fairness, we'll make every reasonable effort to make sure that everyone playing the game, regardless of when in the cycle they first start playing (i.e. your three categories) will have access to the information important to playing the game.


Re: MMO PC building question
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2009, 12:20:37 am »
Also, we appreciate the enthusiasm and desire of our community to offer assistance in testing, naturally, but we are not yet at that stage. PMing me or any other member of the MMO team with requests to aid in testing or simply expressing the desire to do so will not really be considered yet, as the details of more "public" testing for the MMO are neither finalized nor announced, and we are not assembling any kind of a list of people to help us test at this time.  

When and if the time comes for testing assistance from the community, an announcement will be made publicly outlining the details and process for community involvement in testing the MMO.