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Author Topic: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?  (Read 231 times)


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    How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
    « on: September 28, 2005, 08:13:00 am »
    How useful is the persuade skill and/or high charisma (apart from its value for spellcasters etc. that rely on charisma) in Layonara? Are there enough NPCs to interact with to make these worthwhile taking many ranks in? What about appraise? Does this have an influence on purchase prices in Layonara? Thanks


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    RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
    « Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
    Charisma based skills (Bluff, Persuade, Intimidate etc) are used a lot on DM run quests. Can always get the group some nice info and let them stay out of trouble.

    Appraise on the other hand is not used very much. You might save a couple of gold buying enchanting oil but you might want to use those skillpoints on something else.


    RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
    « Reply #2 on: September 28, 2005, 08:59:00 am »
    There aren't any NPCs, but charisma based skill are really important on DM quests. I began taking persuade myself, too bad it hit me too late.

    D Blaze

    RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
    « Reply #3 on: September 28, 2005, 09:04:00 am »
    It also depends on how you would like to use it in normal circumstances.

    Heading through the Goblin Wastes while invisible on a trip from the south, I run across a pint-sized friend. Feeling like playing a little fun, I run up to her and yell 'boo!', then run on ahead to the campgrounds. After resting and just relaxing, my friend shows up talking about being harrassed by ghosts spooking her. I poke around the area to help her out, smiling the entire time, and she asks me if I knew anything about it. I said 'no' and gave a random excuse (I then used the DiceBag and made a Localized Bluff roll, hit a 22; my friend then made a Localized Will Save, got a 12 I believe)
    Buying my excuse, I was asked if there was any way I could help deal with this bugger of a spectre, I said I couldn't locate it anywhere, and the only bit of advice I could give would be to stay away from the graveyard for a while till the spirit becomes less active and hostile.
    Parting ways, I now had a good laugh, and my friend is left running in circles, looking for phantoms of my own design.(as players, we both thought it worth a little laugh)
    All from a little 'Boo!'

    Now that you have heard my little tale, I tell you it's a lie, it never happened *waves hand before your eyes* (Bluff Roll -20 :-6     Persuade Roll -20:-3 "darnit!!!!"   Charisma Roll -20:0 "Wohoo! Broke Even") *looks at all the disbelieving face* Bah! *throws her hands up in defeat and mutters* Wasn't that much fun anyway. *walks off*

    *calls over her shoulder* remember, just have fun with it.........even the little things make it worthwhile
    ............where's my coffee, I need my coffee, I can't make coherent posts without my coffee....I just keep rambling on and on and on and on and on.........*keeps blabbering as she walks into The Wild Surge*


    RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
    « Reply #4 on: September 28, 2005, 09:21:00 am »
    I use persuade alot, Weston is a very charismatic and persuasive type of character. I've used it on quests to steer people away from dangerous situations and to bolster the moral of the group. It doesn't always work like you might expect, but it does give a flavor to your character.

    Remeber Charisma is not just how good you look, but how you carry yourself and present yourself to others in a visual and interactive way. A low charisma person may not be "ugly" but they may not take care of themselves, speak politely, have any tact, lack certain social graces, or just be obnoxious. In the same token, Weston is a very high charisma person, he is clean, well dressed, socialy adept, and because he is persuasive and carries the leadership type quality, he is completely obnoxious when he has no idea what he's doing but is trying to look like he knows what he's talking about.


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      RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
      « Reply #5 on: September 28, 2005, 09:34:00 am »
      Doc-Holiday - 9/27/2005  5:21 PM
      Remeber Charisma is not just how good you look, but how you carry yourself and present yourself to others in a visual and interactive way. A low charisma person may not be "ugly" but they may not take care of themselves, speak politely, have any tact, lack certain social graces, or just be obnoxious.

      Sure, the character I'm writing a submission for is only of "average" looks, but is good-natured and has a feisty, confident, yet intelligent personality, and is not easily intimidated.



      RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
      « Reply #6 on: September 28, 2005, 11:38:00 am »
      There is a unique skill in Layonara and it purley for RP purposes only.
      Its Called Gather Information.
      To me it seems like something a rogue would be great at.


      RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
      « Reply #7 on: September 28, 2005, 11:50:00 am »
      well first off, intellignece is your stronger point, that governs willfulness and intelect, an average yet witty person may have an intelligence of 13 and a Charisma of 11 or 12.



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        RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
        « Reply #8 on: September 28, 2005, 11:58:00 am »
        Doc-Holiday - 9/27/2005  7:50 PM

        well first off, intellignece is your stronger point, that governs willfulness and intelect, an average yet witty person may have an intelligence of 13 and a Charisma of 11 or 12.

        My rogue is currently looking like this:

        str 10
        dex 17
        con 12
        int 14
        wis 12
        chr 12

        The idea is to mainly increase dex when I get attribute increases.


        RE: How useful is persuade / high charisma in Layonara?
        « Reply #9 on: September 28, 2005, 12:09:00 pm »
        looks good to me

