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Author Topic: Karrack's Armory  (Read 271 times)


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2007, 02:26:37 am »
Thanks Ed, I'll tell Joe not to talk about Karrack anymore
Err, why not, if it's his life's goal to find it, by all means do.


Re: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2007, 11:24:16 am »
Err, why not, if it's his life's goal to find it, by all means do.

Cause it really wasn't his goal...  Or atleast it isn't yet  ;)

Shiff (aka Joe) has never even heard of Karrack or his weapons due to growing up on a farm, and not caring about knowledge during his academy days (hence the way i play him which, if youve met him is reckless charging of things bigger then him).  The only reason I would RP Shiff going after Karrack's GS would be if he first of all heard of it from Ozy or someone because he has no reason to ask, or If, by some strange twist of fate, a GM/DM with a sense of humor had Shiff find it on a CDQ.

Edit:  find OUT ABOUT it...  not find it

I (the person typing) am the one who wants to Find Karracks Armory, because I LOVE collecting the ubermazing artifacts in the RPGs i play.  Morrowind, Oblivion, NWN, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Zelda, FF, errr...  Golden Sun... etc...  I collect EVERYSINGLE unique artifact I can.  So, there ya go...  Why I like to collect things that make other, less important things, go boom.

So hey, if someone wants to drive me crazy and cause me to HAVE to RP Shiff wanting to find a KArrack GS (which will instantly be all he cares about since .... being the best is all he cares about) go ahead....  Just dont let me know before hand...


RE: Karrack's Armory
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2007, 11:32:51 am »
Now, if it wasn't a sin to want Wicked, or if it was acceptable for Shiff to want to have Wicked, that is something he'd go after.  He knows about Cole, he admires Cole, and he wants to BE the next Cole...  As unlikely as it may sound.  So taking Wicked from the Leilon Arms would definetly be within the realms possibilty for him, even though he wouldnt do that anyway(because he knows Pyyran, and a bagillion other people, would turn him into Fighter Soup.  And he also wouldnt disrespect the Norseman like that).  BUT!  Still.  I like to have Unique things.  I have one sword, the Last Defense, which is an anti monstrous sword, that I plan to have him use at some point, but other then that, Shiff remains to be as ordinary as he should be.... for now

