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Author Topic: !!!HELP!!! Character login Issues!!!  (Read 229 times)


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    !!!HELP!!! Character login Issues!!!
    « on: December 17, 2005, 09:50:00 pm »
    Hello all!

    Where would I post this or like topics in the future?

    I took my approved character submission of Brun'n(halfgiant) and made him, half orc, subrace giant(I did not know to put halfgiant) and logged on.  I now know to put half orc for race and subrace as halfgiant, it detects, alters my character, puts me in Hiltin, then boots me.  What do I do?  Do I delete some how my previous character creations for this server and start over?  Does a DM have to reset my character?

    Thank you for your time and response!

    Brun'n Bull-Headed
    Half Giant Monk
    lvl 1


    RE: !!!HELP!!! Character login Issues!!!
    « Reply #1 on: December 17, 2005, 10:10:00 pm »
    Re-create your character correctly, slightly changing the name (a space added before or after works) .  Then post in the this thread
      following the correct format to have the invalid one deleted.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: !!!HELP!!! Character login Issues!!!
    « Reply #2 on: December 18, 2005, 04:46:00 pm »
    Another problem with this character is that a halfgiant monk is not possible.

    Halfgiants must be non-lawful and monks must be lawful.  

    The approval GMs sort through a lot of characters and must have missed this problem.

    NWN will allow you to create a lawful halfgiant due to the way subraces are implemented, however it is not a legal character.

    See here for informatin on the subraces:


