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Author Topic: Lens of priceing?  (Read 117 times)


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Lens of priceing?
« on: October 04, 2005, 10:28:00 pm »
It seems that the "Lens" prices Items to high.  I'm wondering what is the lowest price I can sell Items for using the "Lens" as a guide? Is 25% of the "Lens" price too low? ie. (Bronze Splint Mail Lens=4808 / adj=1202) BTW these are all found items that I wish to sell fast.


RE: Lens of priceing?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2005, 10:31:00 pm »
Depends on how much you think you can sell it for, price it and get a range then if you character is a swindler try for 125% from some one who needs it or if you just want to get rid of the thing sell it for like 10%. Also you will need to find a fella who needs it. Also most of us sell items to strangers for about then price stated on the lens.


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RE: Lens of priceing?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2005, 03:59:00 am »
Basically, I usually price like this -

random person I don't like, 150%
random person, 100%
nice person, 80%
person who helped gather materials, and RPed well while doing it 50%
anyone I feel has earned it, free

really, pricing IS up to the seller, and it is difficult to regulate, but if you are selling to just the average person, much less than 100% of the lens price can hurt the game economy.


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RE: Lens of priceing?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2005, 04:41:00 am »
i use the thing all the time running the basher shop. I do take into consideration how hard the item was to make, the steps involved ( the more steps the higher price) , the market value of the item for sell. Also if  I had purchased the item from another PC. Zero put togeather a good pricing line, i use it on some items some i don't, anyway it is really just a tool, adjust it to your needs.


Talan Va'lash

RE: Lens of priceing?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2005, 05:56:00 am »
Its tough on some things too, like splint mail is just about the worst armor style in NWN.  However, NWN doesnt count the base style for much, it mostly bases pricing/levelreqs off of the properties on the item.

Personally I think its fair to sell splint mail for quite a bit less than the lens.  Probably not 75% off the lens price though.

The only things I usually go well under the lens on (more than 15-20% below) are things that blatently show up wrong on the lens (intermediate gem products... stuff like that that it thinks is like 4-8 times as valuable as it really is) and things that are worse for reasons that NWN doesnt take into account (like... that +2 splitmail is NOT worth almost as much as +2 platemail.)

Oh and there are a few things that NWN over values, and lens price is based off NWN price.  A few of those things are:

Low % damage immunities.  like the 5% slashing on fullplate.  For all intents and purposes thats equivalent to 1/- slashing (maybe 2/- if you're taking a lot of damage each hit.)  but NWN values it a lot more than 1/5 of the amount it values 5/- slashing.

mmm, lets see... It overvalues slightly bonus' to saves vs. Mind affecting, Death, Fear, and I think negative energy.  It also undervalues bonus to base saves, will fort or reflex.  In fact it values those specific saves I mentioned higher than bonus' to base saves.

Can't think of any others at the moment that are applicable to layo.


