The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: on April 20, 2006, 03:52:05 pm

Title: Need answers please :)
Post by: on April 20, 2006, 03:52:05 pm
Greetings all... I am new here. I play on Arelith which is another great scripted RP server. However I have been drawn away from them as of late...  and been reading alot about Layonara. But before I apply to to this world... I need a few things answered.

1) How strict is your RP? Must a character remain in character unless speaking by 'tells' ?

2) Are there any "cheesy" immunity values on items?  i.e. death magic, mind spells, sneak attack, critical hits, fear(or whatever the patch changed the barb's rage check to. I forget)

3) What is the highest +to weapons and armor? i.e. bastard sword +1..+2..+3.. etc.  And if so the highest?

4) What is the highest plus to a stat on a single item? i.e. str ring +2..+3..+4 ?? And if so the highest?

5) The crafting system you speak of....  Most worlds have them.. but no use of them. Only saw one world that actually needed you to craft your stuff.. "Isles of Fredian" but that was a while ago. Or are the best items just found? bought? etc etc...

6) The farming you speak of....  is food required? Do you have scripts installed where characters actually hunger/thirst/tire as they do in "Arelith"?

7) Can you rest anywhere/anytime?  Specific time limit? or must a character actually BE tired...  

8) Any buffs associated with deities? OR* all just spell related?

SORRY FOR ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS. I APPRECIATE THE HELP FROM WHOMEVER DECIDES TO ANSWER ALL OF THESE. I just need to know these things before I decide to devote 23532632 hours of gameplay and RP somewhere. Hope you understand and thanks ;P
Title: RE: Need answers please :)
Post by: on April 20, 2006, 03:56:50 pm
Sorry thought of a few more last minute questions...

1) Player housing available?

2) Any rewards for "Good" RP ?

3) Any player shops to sell their items? Or all done PC to PC?

4) Any different starting locations for different races? i.e. is there an Underdark where Drow start out?

5) AND last question I'm very sorry but....   If Drow are spotted on surface are they attacked? OR is it common to see Drow on the surface???

#5 is a VERY important Question ;)  ^^^^^^^^
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Force_of_Will_ on April 20, 2006, 04:04:03 pm
I also Have played on Arelith before.Not long enough to be remembered.

As to your questions.I am not a DM,but can answer the questions.

1) How strict is your RP? Must a character remain in character unless speaking by 'tells' ?  
Layo is very strict on the IC immersion. If you need to speak OOC then use // to let us know.Tells are best thought.

2) Are there any "cheesy" immunity values on items? i.e. death magic, mind spells, sneak attack, critical hits, fear(or whatever the patch changed the barb's rage check to. I forget)


3) What is the highest +to weapons and armor? i.e. bastard sword +1..+2..+3.. etc. And if so the highest?
+3 very rare ,Bioware items are uber rare.

4) What is the highest plus to a stat on a single item? i.e. str ring +2..+3..+4 ?? And if so the highest?
+3 again rare.

5) The crafting system you speak of.... Most worlds have them.. but no use of them. Only saw one world that actually needed you to craft your stuff.. "Isles of Fredian" but that was a while ago. Or are the best items just found? bought? etc etc...

CNR(craftable natral rescorces) are the only items in the world.Sometimes(very rare) Bioware items show up.Lower end at that,but here they are sought after.

6) The farming you speak of.... is food required? Do you have scripts installed where characters actually hunger/thirst/tire as they do in "Arelith"?

The characters get hungry and thirsty.If it isnt delt with you will have penalities.
resting is on a timer but you arent forced to rest.

7) Can you rest anywhere/anytime? Specific time limit? or must a character actually BE tired...
There is a timer on rests. There are also some areas in the world that are safe rest areas.You can rest when ever there.

Any buffs associated with deities? OR* all just spell related?
spells are deity related.
If a cleric of an oposing god casts some spells they get hurt,the effect is lessened or nulled as for rez spells they take a xp hit.

1) Player housing available?  Yes

2) Any rewards for "Good" RP ?  Yes

3) Any player shops to sell their items? Or all done PC to PC?  shops sell basic copper crafted items. for better items its all player driven.Just look at the "trade market hall"thread.

4) Any different starting locations for different races? i.e. is there an Underdark where Drow start out?
No,Everyone is brought to Hlint (starting town) for a reason.

5) AND last question I'm very sorry but.... If Drow are spotted on surface are they attacked? OR is it common to see Drow on the surface???

No there is no PvP on Layo as well as no evil or CN characters unless you have been here awhile and RP it good.

There are Drow ,but they were brought to the town same as you.I think there was a limit to the number of Drow characters allowed.

If I forgot anything or am wrong please correct me people of Layo.
Title: RE: Need answers please :)
Post by: on April 20, 2006, 04:12:36 pm
I appreciate the help Force of Will... but just remembered another important question hehe :D

---Is there a limit on number of levels for a character... i.e. is it possible to have a 39 druid/1 monk?
Title: RE: Need answers please :)
Post by: on April 20, 2006, 04:15:18 pm
WOW no PvP huh? No arenas or anything.... Hmmmm that changes things....
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Force_of_Will_ on April 20, 2006, 04:16:52 pm
No, A character must be submitted and approved before you create it.
There are certain things that wont work like your example.
Monk needs to be lawful and Druids are true neutral.
A class must have 5 lvs and Certain ones cant mix.
To have a PRC you need to have a CDQ(character development quest)
Some classes once left cant be picked back up later.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Leanthar on April 20, 2006, 04:17:09 pm
All classes must have at least 5 levels in them by the time the character is level 20.  Once a character reaches level 20 they must do what is called an Epic Character Development Quest (ECDQ) and pass it. Once it is passed they may level up, they have to do this two more times in the epic levels. If a character fails they may not advance in levels any longer.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Leanthar on April 20, 2006, 04:17:32 pm
We do have an areana that is full pvp.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Force_of_Will_ on April 20, 2006, 04:18:40 pm
Points to L's posts.
Thats the head man here.
What he says is the law.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Leanthar on April 20, 2006, 04:20:15 pm
@Force_of_will, Good answers, thank you.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: ItalianDDog on April 20, 2006, 05:03:47 pm
Thank you Leanthar for the help.. you too Forceof Will. Well Ill be submitting my character soon enough after I read up on history etc etc...  I see your in California..  I just got to the west coast..first time in my whole life... dont like it so far but then again Im in Yuma on a ... Marine base :O  

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: ZeroVega on April 20, 2006, 05:33:09 pm
ItalianDDog - 4/20/2006 8:03 PM I just got to the west coast..first time in my whole life... dont like it so far but then again Im in Yuma on a ... Marine base :O Thanks again.
 Marines eh? I'm sorry, can't imagine that'd be fun. Head to an Army base, they're loads more fun. *mumbles something about assimilation and resistence being futile*
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Acacea on April 20, 2006, 05:42:16 pm
Minor correction (only two! Sin got the long work)-  Druids can be any neutral, including lawful, so technically the build mentioned is feasible if it were to have at least five levels in each class. Once they left the first path, they'd never be able to return to it. But changing classes, especially in the case of two such strict ones, needs a significant amount of RP reason for it. It's very unlikely that someone could swing their reasons for a monk/druid (especially with a such silly level split) other than "that would seriously own."  And not all PRCs require character development quests, like the duelist and weapon master, which can pretty much be approved after RP time and a good development thread.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: ItalianDDog on April 20, 2006, 06:04:41 pm
Thanks for the added info ;) One more question...  any haste items? I hope not ;) So far this server is matching up to all my criteria....  I got big hopes for this one :D   Just I really want to make my druid/monk  zen archer...     I am a great RP'er and Im sure I can come up with a feasible story..  however I know a 5 monk/ rest druid character split is extreme... but can be easily Rp'ed.... anyway thx again
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Acacea on April 20, 2006, 06:07:18 pm
No items with haste on them.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: ItalianDDog on April 20, 2006, 06:15:54 pm
You wouldnt happen to have the link to class specifics and requirements do you? I cant find a guide on say guidlines to a monk etc... I was thinking monk 5 cleric the rest of the way...   instead of two strict.. one strict who abandons his strict monk ways..
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Leanthar on April 20, 2006, 06:27:38 pm
Take a look at the top right, New Players - Start Here. You will find anything you are looking for there.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: darkstorme on April 20, 2006, 08:29:43 pm
No items with haste?  Really?  Darn it.  Travelling stealthed is going to be troublesome, then.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Force_of_Will_ on April 20, 2006, 08:34:00 pm
Any item with a constant haste or charged item with haste is too broken and would upset the balance of the game.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: Milo on April 20, 2006, 08:42:14 pm
darkstorme - 4/20/2006  11:29 PM

No items with haste?  Really?  Darn it.  Travelling stealthed is going to be troublesome, then.

Yup, Layonara is a "low-magic item world" ^_^

It would be no fun if everyone runs around with haste.  The best way is to get to know a wizard or a sorcerer and have them cast mass haste for you
Title: RE: Need answers please :)
Post by: Lucius on April 20, 2006, 08:56:13 pm
It's really no fun when monks use haste items. It's hard to keep up with the party without bursting ahead when at higher levels, haste would make it much worse ;)
Title: RE: Need answers please :)
Post by: Gulnyr on April 20, 2006, 10:28:32 pm
Lucius - 4/20/2006  11:56 PM

It's really no fun when monks use haste items. It's hard to keep up with the party without bursting ahead when at higher levels

Y'know, that happens without haste, too.  Handy at times, but a pain for trying to walk and talk.  It's also a real pain to drive when hasted as a monk.  The turn radius is pretty big, and those cliffs and trees seem to come out of nowhere sometimes.

ItalianDDog - 4/20/2006  9:04 PM

Just I really want to make my druid/monk zen archer...

I'm trying to remember the rules for druids.  Unfortunately, it's 1:30am and I'm too tired to look up that thread.  I'm thinking, though, that bows/crossbows are restricted for druid use?  I know they aren't monk weapons...

EDIT: Alright, I couldn't not look.  I see that bows are acceptable, as long as they don't have pulleys or anything like that.  All clear now.
Title: Re: Need answers please :)
Post by: dekard on April 21, 2006, 01:53:04 pm
pulleys on a bow? theyre the best thing since sliced brea...goblins!