The World of Layonara

The Layonara Community => General Discussion => Topic started by: ShiffDrgnhrt on December 03, 2015, 10:50:29 am

Title: Need some help with Layonara's history as a game.
Post by: ShiffDrgnhrt on December 03, 2015, 10:50:29 am
Heya guys.  Some (if not all of you) may know that I've been working on a blog lately, talking about writing, gaming, and other fun things.  With Leanthar's permission, I am going to be writing a piece on Layonara, and since I came to the party later than some, I am wondering if the old timers could fill me in on some of the game world's history.  I'm mostly fuzzy on how Layo started, how it ended up on NWN, and the people involved (or their username).  I'm also curious about what the future holds, since I haven't heard about the next gen project in quiet a while.  Any information would be helpful.  I will post the link when I finish writing the article.  Thanks in advance.  :)
Title: Shiff, for most of that your
Post by: Rowana on December 03, 2015, 12:37:57 pm

Shiff, for most of that your best bet is going to be connecting with Leanthar. While some of us around have smattering of informations here and there (and certainly a few people who've been here a lot longer than I have and know lots more pockets). However, for all the beginnings of this, L has the information from table top creation to starting with NWN. I think Ed and Orth and OneSt8 would have more perspectives on the early NWN days with Dorg coming in a little bit after that. All of those guys have a significant amount of information about things from Version 1 and forward.

I have no idea how indepth you're going and what kind of perspective you'll want to include but there are certainly a number of currently active players who can put a bunch of perspectives in from perhaps early V2 and forward. It might also help if you have some addtional questions you want answered posted up for people to take on.

As to what the future holds, that might be a little while in coming though you should feel free to raid the dev log and Writer's Wednesday posts and all of that for info or sparking some questions you might want answered. Oh, also the ask and FAQ threads in the MMO section perhaps? Open ended 'what's going on' is going to be somewhat difficult to answer,  at least at the moment. There are legal bindings for some of us (NDAs and such) and again, not certain the depth and scope of answer you're looking for.

Hope that helps you get started.
