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Author Topic: Need suggestion on class vs. world?  (Read 54 times)


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    Need suggestion on class vs. world?
    « on: July 20, 2005, 09:05:00 pm »
    Reality vs. Role-play and there effect on perceived concepts of Good vs. Evil.

    Nifty, if not slightly rantish title. :D

    I know evil characters do not fit into the world of Layonara all that well, and this is were my concept of right wrong and so forth diverge from the main stream. Reasoning for this is I like to play, rouges, assassins, and SD’s. Now yes this is partly inherent to there great potential when mixed together, and yes I tend to be a power gamer. I am tired of power gaming and thus wish to find an RP world to call home. I still have a soft spot for the rouge like classes, because I like there lithe, subtle, sneaky demeanor.

    I have read till my eyes hurt on the forums, about character creation, deity req, race specifics, and so forth. Now more to the point Reality vs. Role-Play. In reality I am a good law abiding citizen, well I do speed a bit, but there are things in my mind/ethics/moral disposition that conflict with all of the defined alignments.

    Now, Good vs. Evil. My biggest issue is the killing an unarmed foe, that of course can be subject to opinion due to claws and teeth, but that aside I tend to play chaotic good characters even when I am actually an assassin. I see an assassin as an individual that is trained to fight dirty. In reality as far as I know government assassins are supposed to be part of the past. But what would you consider a military sniper, even if his target is armed, that target may be so far away ,and should be unaware, that they for lack of an ability to describe them better, are unarmed, or witless.

    After reading the defined alignments, it seems chaotic neutral fits me best. That of course is currently restricted. I am not trying to get it unrestricted, that’s mute point and I’d be better off continuing my search for a server, especially since my RP experience with a keyboard is rather limited. More then anything I am looking for possible suggestion as to what kind of rouge like character any experienced rpers might suggest, that are preferably not a goodie goodie.

    Well thanks for your time and I hope you could follow what this meant :D



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    RE: Need suggestion on class vs. world?
    « Reply #1 on: July 20, 2005, 09:42:00 pm »
    I play a gnome gnomes go they get excited and talk all there words together i.e:


    That idea....Some things to stay away from goodie-goodie is my character has yes, gone through the locked doors in the homes in Hlint (there are 2 NPC houses) Though stealing nothing..I did it.  Although many others do it too, I see the doors always open..I usually close the door so it relocks making it harder for other people.  There is also another factor....sneaking.  You can sneak up on people to scare them, which is not exactly a goody-goody thing to do, correct?  Just some idea's if you wish to stay.  Perhaps PM me and we can talk more deeply in to this if you would like.


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    RE: Need suggestion on class vs. world?
    « Reply #2 on: July 20, 2005, 09:51:00 pm »
    a TN char can at times be mean and at other times be nice, i ran a mage that was a dick half the time and the hother half he was nice, he eventually balnced out to become better at TN, he wanted to stayy nurtural in most of what he did, he knew the chars that were "bad" he knew the chars that were against them in a recent conflict between followers of corath and necromaners vs just about everyone else, i was found in the middle, though i retired soon after getting involved and noone like even knows me i was a neutral player i feared falling to the darkness or i would have gone to distruction and led a dark road, and i did not seek to gain the houners of others, i justed wanted to jain power in my magic and take no sides, now i dont know if this help at all, but it gives you an idea of a different alignment, I also play a rogue archer and no its not a rouge... that is makeup or somthing. now he is only level 4 but he is rather strong, i can dis aot of damage at a safe distence with my rogue archer. But RP is the main thing, rogues are really easy if ya dont leave town lol.. but soloing.. at low levels.. there not so tuff. well im done rambiling, i hope i gave you a little to thank on.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: Need suggestion on class vs. world?
    « Reply #3 on: July 20, 2005, 10:07:00 pm »
    Everything depends on the story you create for your character.

    It is possible to become evil here, though definitely not easy, and it should not be your short term or sole goal for your character.

    If I were going to make a rogue in the vein of what you mentioned, I would make him LN.  Lawful does not have to mean the character follows the official law.  He can have a strict personal moral code that he follows perfectly... though the basis of that morality might be rather twisted.

    A lot of the famous villians in recent (1800-present) literature have been LE.  Almost all the 20's era gangsters were LE, including their hired hitmen.  They were polite when they had invited someone to meet with them (and would never kill someone who came invited, that is just rude,) they would never take advantage of women, or kill women or children.  They followed a strict moral code, but they were hired killers.

    Anyway, with LN you cant really go that path, but your sense of good/evil can be slightly warped, or... you just dont care about good or evil, you just act within your own honor.
