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Author Topic: Suggestions for Character Development  (Read 39 times)


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    Suggestions for Character Development
    « on: February 20, 2006, 09:53:38 pm »
    My main character, Brenden Raign, recently participated in Gloins ECDQ into the Drow warfront inside the fens cave. While there he viewed many followers of Vorax and their battle prowess and the entire experience left a very deep impression on his outlook of life and how he has lived up until that moment (battle can do that, there are no atheist in war).

    Now, here is my problem. I want to rebuild my character so that he can become a Vorax cleric (battlepriest). His current stats don't allow for multi-classing. I have been studing the vorax doctrine for a few weeks now and the Gloin ECDQ gave me just the opportunity to give my character real direction.

    I know rebuilds work, and I would LIKE to keep the experience my character has collected so far and just redistribute my classes (fighter 6/cleric + since 6 is the level I was at when I did the quest). He is currently level 7, but I am willing to start from level 1 and just become a straight vorax cleric.

    The important thing for me is that I retain my characters name, I am willing to regain the experience and redo the quests he's already done, but I don't want to have to start a new character and make a new name for him all over again because i am really attached to this character.

    Here is my CD journal so far:

    Someone please tell me what I can do, or suggest something please. I will wait until something is decided by a Gm before I continue RPing my character.


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    RE: Suggestions for Character Development
    « Reply #1 on: February 20, 2006, 10:11:32 pm »
    Well, a 3/17 won't happen that's for certain. 5/15 is the limit generally.
      Becoming a cleric of Vorax wouldn't be an overnight thing. Why not just be a fighter that worships Vorax? Spend some points on wisdom as you level, and eventually take a few levels of cleric.
      I guess paladinhood would be a possiblity, it's a martial type divine caster. But they have a lot of rules and regulations to abide by.
      They occasionally allow rebuilds, but it's really really unusual.    Your character, that you've been playing for this long, isn't wise enough to be a cleric. That doesn't mean he can't keep trying to get better at it.
      Seems if you suddenly grew wiser and weaker or whatever, that it wouldn't be the same character anyway.


    RE: Suggestions for Character Development
    « Reply #2 on: February 21, 2006, 04:24:32 am »
    Just one comment and that is the battle did not take place in the fens cave.
      That was just an area that the GM used.
      Similiar to not reading tags of creatures, one should be careful of reading area tags as well.
      Many areas get used in GM quests and dont necesarily represent that area.


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      RE: Suggestions for Character Development
      « Reply #3 on: February 21, 2006, 04:54:35 am »
      My apologies, that was my first CDQ.

      I will fix it.


      Re: Suggestions for Character Development
      « Reply #4 on: February 21, 2006, 09:16:29 am »
      I'm with Ghost on this one.  You don't need to be a priest or paladin or champion or whatever to be a devout follower of a diety.  And perhaps, in time, you might gain the wisdom to devote to priesthood.  But, your character's background does not state anything about being involved with the church of Vorax, nor does it show him having any other temple affiliation.  Rebuilding him would require changing his entire bio to include soemthing like that, which, really, would completely change the character.  

      Develop the character just as he is, as someone who has seen the "light" of Vorax and has converted.  That is, don't start over; use the circumstances and who he already is to continue the development.


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        Re: Suggestions for Character Development
        « Reply #5 on: February 21, 2006, 05:08:33 pm »
        Yea, I know. Your all right. It was just an idea...that is why I asked in the Gen. Discussion forum instead of embarassing myself by putting it in the Character Submission.

        I've supplimented the problem. So no worries.


        Re: Suggestions for Character Development
        « Reply #6 on: February 21, 2006, 06:59:07 pm »
        =P  just trying to help, mate.