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Author Topic: New GM Quests  (Read 74 times)


New GM Quests
« on: October 06, 2006, 05:33:36 am »
Wow.....lots of new GM quests from the new and old GMs this month.

Im gonna try to get to as many as possible....and for those who have never been on one....nows your chance, plenty to pick from off the Calendar.
( remember to bring your loaded dice, and try not to do the fabled "two important conversations going at once" )

And good luck guys....Im looking forward to them.

Talan Va'lash


RE: New GM Quests
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2006, 06:52:03 am »
Unfortunately for me... I finally have a day off on the 9th, no major plans, plenty of time to play... so I look at the calendar for events, hoping to find something suitable around noon EST.


Not a single DM or player quest scheduled all day.  (The Hunt was added after I first looked, and is restricted to existing party onyl anyway.)



RE: New GM Quests
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2006, 07:20:48 am »
I'd like to make one request, which I think is timely considering the bumper crop of quests. As these new quests are put onto the schedule, could the GM's add something about how many sessions they think the quest will run? There are times when I can twist my schedule to make a single session, maybe three, but won't commit to being there week after week. I know it's impossible to predict exactly, but 1, few (1-3), or many would be enough for me to plan.



RE: New GM Quests
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2006, 07:35:50 am »
Sometimes a 1-3 session quest has grown into a series of massive proportions.


RE: New GM Quests
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2006, 07:40:37 am »
"I'd like to make one request, which I think is timely considering the bumper crop of quests. As these new quests are put onto the schedule, could the GM's add something about how many sessions they think the quest will run? There are times when I can twist my schedule to make a single session, maybe three, but won't commit to being there week after week. I know it's impossible to predict exactly, but 1, few (1-3), or many would be enough for me to plan."

I Try to make every part an adventure in its own right, and keep places open on long running events, so....just jump in there, PM me if you want an intro for an event... there are lots of people can't commit to a long running event, but can rp in one or two and catch up on events by RP with other PCs...hey, win, win


Re: New GM Quests
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2006, 08:33:38 am »
Unfortunately for me... I finally have a day off on the 9th, no major plans, plenty of time to play... so I look at the calendar for events, hoping to find something suitable around noon EST.


Not a single DM or player quest scheduled all day. (The Hunt was added after I first looked, and is restricted to existing party onyl anyway.)  - Faldred

Do what I do when this happens Faldred....set-up your own Player led event, and allow signups. Shouldnt be long before a few people sign up and youve a fair group of adventurers ready to head off to fortune and glory....and possible repeated Bindstone visits.



Re: New GM Quests
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2006, 09:17:50 am »
I'm of the mindset of Dorg and Mix regarding this, I think.
  If I run an intentionally long running series I will usually have it broken into smaller pieces while continuing along an overarching plot line.. so, while new players and characters may not get into the big picture right away they can sure get motivated by the current objectives.


Re: New GM Quests
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2006, 11:36:51 am »
I *love* spontanious questing. Just because something is schedualed, doesn't necessarily mean something won't happen....

Talan Va'lash

Re: New GM Quests
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2006, 02:24:23 pm »
I am intentionally running only spontaneous quests for the next few weeks at least.

Unfortunately for my questing time I have another Layonara project that is monopolizing a lot of my free time. It should be wrapping up in the coming weeks. Expect to see more of me as a player and a GM at that point. :)


Re: New GM Quests
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2006, 04:10:25 pm »
As a player I enjoy spontaneous questing more (even as a starter to a scheduled one) simply because it fits into the Layonara as being dynamic. When you get scheduled quests, *everyone* that has been on for a while signs on and you get quests that comprise of the same people time and time again. However, when you get a *spontaneous* quest, anyone has a chance...based on what the DM decides where to start their adventure. It encourages players to get their characters to interact and immerse within the world. Which is after all what Layonara is about is it not?

So Kudos to Rowana, Talan and many others that have followed that approach. :)


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    Re: New GM Quests
    « Reply #10 on: October 06, 2006, 06:35:40 pm »
    I haven't had the chance to be on a scheduled quest yet, but I think I'd tend to agree that the spontaneous quests might bring out a more.... mmm, 'real' RP experience. My reason being that a spontaneous quest may leave you guessing what's going to happen all the way through it. I would think that a scheduled quest might not bring the freshest RP ideas into play as much as an off the sleeve encounter might, on account of it catching you off guard.
    Regardless, I tend to like the idea of a spontaneous quest/interaction better than a scheduled, multi-session one. I'm sure I will take part in both, but I'd prefer to be surprised a little :)