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Author Topic: New guy. Short on any classes?  (Read 121 times)

Tir McDohl

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    New guy. Short on any classes?
    « on: February 05, 2006, 04:49:57 am »
    Yo.  New guy here, doing his rounds of lurking before even making a character concept.  I've got a good number of potential ideas, but I don't really know what's overdone here and what's underdone.  Since I obviously can't romp around on the server without a character, this is pretty much my only way of finding out.  I've been roleplaying for longer than I'll ever really admit, so don't give me the "Whatever you want to play." answer.  I can handle it.

    Is there a shortage of a certain class?  Is there an overpopulation of a certain class?  Is there an archtype that's overdone?  Underdone?  In your typical party, are you usually lacking a certain type of class?

    I've got an idea of what I'll PROBABLY play, but to keep from contaminating the results, I'll keep the ideas quiet for now.  This is mostly just to make sure I don't go and make the exact same character you see every five seconds.  I wouldn't find that any fun, and likely neither would you.

    Thanks, guys.


    Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
    « Reply #1 on: February 05, 2006, 05:00:29 am »
    We have a lot of "combo-builds" here. Fighter-Rogue, Wizard-Fighter, Ranger-Rogue, Bard-Rogue ect. Arcane Caster and Fighter class are a favotire, as well as smashing rogue into whatever you can find.

    Things that are underdone. Pure Bards, Pure Rogues, Monks (I only know of four), and Druids. We have the dwarven fighters, the wizards of all shapes and sizes (though we can always use more), and clerics of course. What we're really missing in my opinion, is the spice! So, yeah... good luck with the character approval and see you in game!


    Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
    « Reply #2 on: February 05, 2006, 05:04:49 am »
    In my own opinion, there are a lot of mage and cleric types in the world. Probably because it is such a low-magic world. We also have a decent amount of fighters types here. As for what there is a lack? Not really anything, although I used to find myself wondering where I could find a pure rogue.


    Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
    « Reply #3 on: February 05, 2006, 07:50:03 am »
    I'll tell you right away what we lack! Dwarven female PCs!! Make one of those and you'll surely be well known and popular amongst a special crowd *winks*.

    No seriously though, those we lack the most... no matter what class... dwarven women.

    Oh and welcome to layonara! :)


    Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
    « Reply #4 on: February 05, 2006, 08:00:24 am »
    Pure dwarven female rogue? That would be interesting... :D

    You can always check the server status page ( ) a little bit now and then to get the general idea of what people are playing.

    Btw, welcome!


    Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
    « Reply #5 on: February 05, 2006, 08:30:42 am »
    ANY dwarven female....Are the any on Layo?  If you want to so aomething different.....yeah I think a Dwarven rogue would be different.

    Welcome to Layo, hopefully I can see you in game one of these days.


    Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
    « Reply #6 on: February 05, 2006, 10:15:04 am »

    I WAS thinking of making a female dwarf...  hmmm.  Just to tease the guys though, right?  HA

    BUT, then I have to go submit a character....

    Tir McDohl

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      RE: New guy. Short on any classes?
      « Reply #7 on: February 05, 2006, 12:16:19 pm »
      Ok...I DID have a character in mind until I saw the dwarven female thing.  I think I just might do this. :D

      They're supposed to be rare according to D&D as it is, but if there's a complete lack of them, then I guess it'd be nice to have a few.

      Think I'll do a bit more reading seeing as the idea I have now wouldn't be as noob friendly as the "idiot" character I had in mind.  Thanks for the inspiration, guys!


      Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
      « Reply #8 on: February 05, 2006, 12:36:19 pm »
      too late- I finally submitted mine (HAHAHA) but if you subit one, then there would only be like, 2 of us!!!


      RE: New guy. Short on any classes?
      « Reply #9 on: February 05, 2006, 12:48:05 pm »
      Tir McDohl - 2/5/2006  10:16 PM

      Ok...I DID have a character in mind until I saw the dwarven female thing.  I think I just might do this. :D

      They're supposed to be rare according to D&D as it is, but if there's a complete lack of them, then I guess it'd be nice to have a few.

      Think I'll do a bit more reading seeing as the idea I have now wouldn't be as noob friendly as the "idiot" character I had in mind.  Thanks for the inspiration, guys!

      No! Thank you! *evil grin*

      Talan Va'lash

      Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
      « Reply #10 on: February 05, 2006, 03:08:01 pm »
      There have been... 3 female dwarven characters that I can think of over the past... lets see.. 13 months.  Heh, and I believe all of them are retired at the moment.  

      well, excluding Lilswanwillow's since I don't think she's IG yet. :)



      Re: New guy. Short on any classes?
      « Reply #11 on: February 05, 2006, 03:14:34 pm »
      nope, just submitted... come on now, cross yer all fingers, we'll see how well I can RP, cause I picked the biggest challenge I think.

      so there COULD POTENTIALLY be 5 over the past...  I don't think there are ANY right now that are active.

      You could also do your idiot character, and if you can do good role playing over the next year, bring him over to evil.. There aren't many well played evil characters right now.  Since you have to think of ways to be evil, but NOT involving yourself killing people.  Its pretty interesting.