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Author Topic: Character Bio is fun  (Read 59 times)

Charles Halenson

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    Character Bio is fun
    « on: August 19, 2005, 08:27:00 am »
    I dont know about you people, but having to create my character's bio is fun. This is the first time I am doing it. Cool.


    RE: Character Bio is fun
    « Reply #1 on: August 19, 2005, 08:46:00 am »
    I know the feeling. Unless inspired, writing can almost be physically painful for me.
      1)  Read through the approved characters to see what is expected.
      2)  Start simple. Don't try something overly complex to begin with.  You can make a really great character without all the subrace stuff.
      3) Make a character you can play, and want to play. Layo is about playing a role, so make it one you can have fun with.
        The character approval GMs are a great bunch, so go ahead and give it try. If it's not perfect they'll make suggestions on what they need to get it approved.
      Welcome to Layo


    RE: Character Bio is fun
    « Reply #2 on: August 19, 2005, 08:47:00 am »
    I've always enjoyed that sort of thing, I even used to do it back in my GW playing days, although not to the same extent.

    My current main character (Kurgaz) is actually a Dwarf I invented a few years back for Warhammer, as a leader of a small clan. I always wanted to play him as a solo character though, and when I had been on layonara for a while I saw it as the perfect place, and just re-wrote the bio a to fit in with this world and NWN. So the concept is actually not a new one, which is probably why he's my favourite.

    So there you go....I don't know why I bothered to say that.  :)


    RE: Character Bio is fun
    « Reply #3 on: August 19, 2005, 09:55:00 am »
    Its my fave part of RPG I spend way to much time on it doing it, I have played a lot of tabel top RPGs and had at times made a Charecter
    runing into 10 pages of back ground. (I did a HeroWars DUNE game once that had 12 playes each with 5 pages of back ground)

    With NWN theres so much back ground from DnD and the very rich Layonara historey, I love the fact that players have an Impact on the world
    So your back ground realy means some thing. Epic has meaning in Layonara so its worth all the crafting bad rolls, The lost stuff and pain
    of missing your game times becuse of RL stuff. Also the a grate back ground of long tearm Players and GM's who know Laynara but dont over whealm
    the new players Like myself.

    As I go on I know ill make PCs that are more embeded in the Layonara Cannon and seek to have an impact on the evaltion of the world throw there

