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Author Topic: A humble request...  (Read 76 times)


A humble request...
« on: October 23, 2006, 06:26:51 pm »
Occasionally GMs must contact players, whether through tells or through shouts. The former is typically for a good reason, the latter is generally for a server reset or other important server-wide information....which is also a good reason. It is somewhat frustrating when people play with their chat windows minimized or hidden such that such we have to take extra steps to contact them and/or break immersion for them and those around them.
  I realize that screen real estate for some may be more limited than others, but I do humbly request that these windows stay open and visible during game play.


RE: A humble request...
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2006, 06:44:02 pm »
I humbly offer to rent my excess screen space at the rate of 6 cents per 1/100th of a pixel.


