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Author Topic: Bigby's Question  (Read 208 times)


Bigby's Question
« on: April 25, 2006, 12:20:53 pm »
I have noticed recently that when I use Bigby's on giants, it generally doesn't stop their movement and I see them making fortitude saves.  I looked on lore and see that both the 8th and 9th level versions now show that a fortitude save allows the target to move.  The 9th level version in the write up still mentions an opposed strength check against a strength of 51.  

Is a simple fort save enough for any creature, regardless of strength, to resist the spell?  In that case the 9th level spell is only marginally better than the 8th level version.  If this is the case, I would suggest that the duration can go back to a round per level.  I would also suggest that the 9th level version should at least give a slow effect when resisted.  



RE: Bigby's Question
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2006, 01:02:50 pm »
I used to use Bigby's and they were a useful group of spells against those "We are immune to everything" creatures. After the latest changes to them I struggled to understand what exactly happened. To my greater dissapointment, I gave up on using them, they are simply not worth the trouble now, rather useless spells as I see them.


Re: Bigby's Question
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2006, 11:20:28 am »
I don't know exectly what happened to the Bigby 7-9 spells, but I agree with Ar7.
The spells are now close to useless, since the Effect per Slot is very low
compared to other spells. And not only compared to spells at the same high
circles, but even compared to ones at 5-6.

Even before the changes, the usefulness was limited since it was single target and
the high circles gives low number of slots. But they were still good spells, wich
is only to be expected from circle 7-9 spells.