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Author Topic: Some questions for my 2nd character  (Read 57 times)


Some questions for my 2nd character
« on: April 25, 2006, 02:57:28 pm »
I have been playing my first character Elessar Sáralondië for a while now, but I have made some dicisions at level up that I now come to regret. Also there are some other things I've come to dislike about my character in its curen't state.
There for I'm thinking of making a new character and before I can finish that character I wanna ask some questions to make sure I get it right this time.

1) I read about "development thread" when reading about PrC's and submiting them. What does this mean? And if i need to create one myself where can I do that?

2) My first idea for my new characters name is Draco McCloud. fans probably now the last name form the movie and series known as "Highlander". Would the first or last name be allowed? I think the last name will not, But I like to be sure. Don't wory I got other ideas as whel. so when in doubt just say no.

3)Are there any clans on layonara that I haven't been able to read about on this site.

4)Are there any rules For me to follow if I wanna create A clan of my own? Like clan name, looks of the flag and all of that.

5)Is there any information about the folowing places on layonara: serpant mountain, spine mountain and Anuroch desert on Dregar and Peaks of Voltrex on Voltrex. This information might be usefull for my characters past. As in posible location of his clan. If allowed.
6)Can a Character have had training at the island of Calishan(kindom of Roldem)? And especialy training in use of the Katana. (my favorite weapon in the game).

7)Is there any kind of spell or magic that can remove any combat experians from a character? And if so How is it called and how does the spell work(words used and all that)?

8)if there isn't such a spell. What do I have to watch out for when thinking of one myself? What "rules" do I have to take in acount when thinking of it?

This is everything I can think of right now. I need this information to make sure I make a good character and not do something stupit that gets it a "disaproved" or something like that.

If I think of anything else I'll post it under this one.


Re: Some questions for my 2nd character
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2006, 07:39:47 am »
1) -Look under the Character Development forums, right around the same area you submit characters.  You'll find a host of development threads others have written, also commmonly known as journals.

2) McCloud is not the most unique name in the world, despite it being the last name of one of the Highlander characters.  However, I'll leave the answer to this question to a DM.

3) I'll let a DM, perferably Ed handle this one and the next one.

4) see #3 (as far as I know, Ed and L are open to new ideas and lore)

5) If it's not in the handbook, PM Ed or L and ask what they have to offer about the places, or hop onto IRC and have a chat with the DMs there.

6) Yes and yes.

7) Magic can do anything, but I'd likely think that the spell would work in causing the character to become amnesiatic, forgetting everything from his/her past, not just combat training, except for maybe hints from objects and the like, so the character slowly gains his/her memory and skills back as they discover more of themselves.  It's not a new idea really.  This, of course, would have to be approved by the DMs.  As for names, it really doesn't matter what the name is as long as the effects of it are described.

8)No, there isn't a base spell whose main purpose is to cause amnesia, of any sort.  A strong enough mage-type could produce the effect, however, basically creating some sort of arch-villian or unknown figure in the background of your character.  Naturally, if approved, the figure would have to be an NPC, and could make for an interesting CDQ later in your character's life should he have to face down the one who stripped his/her memories away.

all these answers are my opinions and theories based on my current knowledge of and experience within Layonara.  everything I suggested is subject to DM review.


Re: Some questions for my 2nd character
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2006, 10:50:42 am »
thanks for the anwsers so far miltonyorkcastle.

I have enough information for now. Right now I have a decision to make between 2 character idea's.
One is the fighter/weapon master for wich I had those questions you anwsered.
the other one is a sorceres that loves undead, ghost's and all of that macabre stuff. Kindoff a weird gothic girl or whatever you wanna call it. I also wanted to play this girl in an other rp world known as "Amon", never got past creating her though. :S

So right now I'm thinking of flipping a coin OR create both and submit the one I like best, or wich is the most interesting for me to play. I know I'll be liking the fighter weapon master since I've used that one on NWN, SoU and the HotU single player campains
Again thanks for your anwsers and if any of the DM's find time to anwser the others questions. That would be great. :)
I'll be waiting like a good player who has got time to wait for an anwser. :)



RE: Some questions for my 2nd character
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2006, 02:15:24 pm »
silverdraco - 4/25/2006  5:57 PM

Draco McCloud.

It would be your character, of course, but if you want to be correct about it, you should spell it MacLeod.


Re: Some questions for my 2nd character
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2006, 02:36:55 pm »
thanks Gulnyr. I knew I spelled it wrong somehow. I guess I didn't pay as much attention to that as I thought. ;)
Besides if I keep McCloud In stead of taking Macloud I'd feel a little better for not taking the name from the Highlander movies.