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Author Topic: New wave of monster-races  (Read 525 times)

Witch Hunter

New wave of monster-races
« on: March 01, 2007, 08:00:55 pm »
Alright... I want to ask something from the community as now it's going to be rather uh... well, common to see drow again.

I understand that some of the older drow are already accepted and proven a great deal of themselves via good deals and yadda yadda... but none of the new ones did that - so please, no rushing to accept them, not a day or two or a week... heck, even a month is too fast to accept a drow IMO!

Remember, we're in the dark ages, everyones paranoid and the world is in dread and all that yadda yadda... don't rush to accept evil races :p! Or defened them or anything...

This applies for any other race that isn't considered normal... orcs, goblins, half giants, half ogres (although these races are far less sinister than drow..) etc etc.

It's of course a suggestion, not a request -  but I really hope that I for once wont get sacked with stones if I dislike a drow >.>...


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 08:09:01 pm »
As per the new rules those races start out CN, TN, NE or LE and will be played accordingly but also maturely. Same goes for Drow haters. ;)

Jearick Hgar

Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 08:09:51 pm »
i completely agree, though i wish it'd make sence for Tath to join you in yelling at the drow, he's ever known one and that's Zerg, on top of that he's neve rheard of Drow before he met Zerg so ya heh.

But Jearick willd effinatly be using that tongue of his to oust the other races. and i deffinatly expect people to be trying to get rid of Caim if they saw what he was. heh


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 08:17:35 pm »
Key is generally accepted and even respected in some cases. It's annoying, but I am thankful for the few people who actually argue with what Key says or thinks, or is even generally fearful or hostile to her. I am hoping to be challenged to PvP by a noble Paladin, or some such, as I think the encounter could be interesting.

Witch Hunter

Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 08:24:51 pm »
Noble paladin, Elf fighter.. what's the difference :P


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 08:47:25 pm »
Oh I can't wait to give the new drow some of my loving hate =). I plan on using my pvp widget on the new drow I see, with my drow! ROAR!!! I am teasing of course, but just saying they won't be getting any love from Daralith.


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 11:20:39 pm »
Eight-Bit - 3/1/2007  4:17 AM

Key is generally accepted and even respected in some cases. .

Wrong - Key is feared or maybe even held in awe by some. Accepted is slightly more borderline. And Karana never has a go at Key out a.) Awe and b.) By the time she has worked out what Key is saying the conversation has moved on/new ice ages have come and gone


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 11:41:14 pm »
Nibor21 - 3/2/2007 2:20 AM
Eight-Bit - 3/1/2007 4:17 AM Key is generally accepted and even respected in some cases. .
Wrong - Key is feared or maybe even held in awe by some. Accepted is slightly more borderline. And Karana never has a go at Key out a.) Awe and b.) By the time she has worked out what Key is saying the conversation has moved on/new ice ages have come and gone
 Thank you. I feel better now, I uh... think. :)


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2007, 03:03:59 am »
I really hope that the people will play all their characters problem with the strange races, all those things that they listened while child and all. I want to play with a monstrous charater basicaly to have to do with all the prejudice it would give. If I'm not allowed to play with the character I want, one who would give MUCH prejudice (and I would LOVE it), them I'm going to try playing a drow, and well, it will be very fun to rp people yelling and telling things about his race and all.

I think that the bad ideas of people about the strange races is what make them so cool to play, after all...


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2007, 05:55:33 am »
Dwarves should treat elves only slightly better than monstrous races.


Re: New wave of monster-races
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2007, 06:25:24 am »
lonnarin - 3/2/2007  8:55 AM

Dwarves should treat elves only slightly better than monstrous races.

From the dwarven perspective: Wait jus' a minnut, laddie... Dem point-ears ain' mons'rous? Bah... Yer daft.


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    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #11 on: March 02, 2007, 06:27:28 am »
    Then there's individuals like my poor poor Iago, who is just about intimidated by everyone...he tends to accept everyone at face value, provided he has an escape route, and they haven't shown some sort of connection to Corath.  In which case there will be much screaming and running for the hills.


    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #12 on: March 02, 2007, 06:33:33 am »
    A character who is intimidated by people is reaaly fun. Tired of the "nothing gives me shivers" type of character...


    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #13 on: March 02, 2007, 11:13:13 am »
    Jearick Hgar - 3/1/2007 11:09 PM i wish it'd make sence for Tath to join you in yelling at the drow
     Two comments about the above quote:
      1. Eeep! I've been replaced!
      2. I'm pretty sure that's what everyone thought when my Tath would yell at drow. ;)


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    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #14 on: March 02, 2007, 11:20:46 am »
    I agree that dwarfs in general tend to distrust those not of their clan.  However, since Dalan was raised as an orphan by a half elf, and traveled a lot on a tinker's wagon, don't expect him to have the general prejudices of his clan.  On the other hand, he detests, hates and despises trolls and giants for various good reasons.  It is this spirit of individual biases that should make rping with the other races so much fun as they increase in number again.  I would think each character would bring their own personal bias to the rp table instead of a general race class.


    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #15 on: March 02, 2007, 11:28:00 am »
    To those concerned with the imminent flood of Monstrous races, keep in mind that since they were blocked from creation for some time, those who had some great character ideas or just wanted to try their hand at something new may create a noticeable influx until it all balances out again. I know I have two or three character concepts lined up *evil grin*

    I know that I myself am a victim of being a neophiliac, and can't wait to try some new things out.

    And overall, I would say the reaction to "monsterous" races has thus far been a very rewarding experience. Dur'Thak has been cajoled, threatened, and otherwise treated with disdain - and I love every moment of it. I think Key gets away with it because shes just naturally cuter *j/k*


    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #16 on: March 02, 2007, 11:52:18 am »
    As a small addendum - your character doesn't have X-ray vision.   If a character is clearly swathed in fabric, hooded, masked, or encased in plate armour, don't shout "Drow/Orc/demon!" and go on the offensive.  I don't suspect many people would, but this is to head off the few that might.


    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #17 on: March 02, 2007, 12:10:56 pm »
    Fatherchaos - 3/2/2007  2:28 PM

    To those concerned with the imminent flood of Monstrous races, keep in mind that since they were blocked from creation for some time, those who had some great character ideas or just wanted to try their hand at something new may create a noticeable influx until it all balances out again.

    The idea, though, was to correct the ratio of 'normal' to 'unusual' characters.  Just because there was a gap without new 'unusual' characters doesn't mean that everyone should rush out to fill the gap, no matter how great their ideas are.  That would just cause an overabundance of those types again and cause the submissions to be blocked again.

    I'm not saying anyone can't submit a Drow or a Brownie or whatever.  I'm just suggesting that everyone should remember why the submissions were blocked in the first place, and consider if that new 'unusual' character is something that absolutely must be submitted right now.  Check the recent submissions, both approved and unapproved, for characters of the same race.  If there are more than about three within the last seven days, it might be a good idea to wait.  Maybe it would be better to wait three months or even six months to submit a great idea.  It goes by quicker than you think, and great ideas don't go stale.

    gilshem ironstone

    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #18 on: March 02, 2007, 04:09:15 pm »
    Good post Gulnyr, I totally agree.

    I know that Tristan had a meeting today with a tiefling that was along the lines of a zoo for him.. "look at the little tiefling, don't they look neat with their horns?"  Just to say that an educated person with little to fear for their personal safety (which is totally a judgement call)  may decide to objectify or fetishize the race as well.  Which if I were a drow would make me want to slit some throats... Az'atta or not.


    Re: New wave of monster-races
    « Reply #19 on: March 03, 2007, 02:33:37 pm »
    Earl doesn't trust gnomes... They think they're all smart using their big words and inventing stuff that does the work of 50 men, putting the working people out of business. He also fears that they'll use their alchemical wiles to tamper with the beer of the realms and poison the drinking water.  Not to mention he's a farmer; the worse pest in the garden is a gnome getting into the turnips.