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Author Topic: trouple with sneat attack  (Read 139 times)


trouple with sneat attack
« on: October 19, 2005, 01:36:00 am »
i play a rogue/fighter and last night i was out hunting orc´s with some friend and if i attacked first i didn´t get my sneak attack i know i dont get it if i dont beat them in ini. but even after the other fighter step up and i should get it for flanking i didn´t. Have anyone had the same problem?
and it was only if i attacked first


Thunder Pants

RE: trouple with sneat attack
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 01:40:00 am »
if you are using a missle weapon you might be outside of the minimum range (think it's 30 feet for bows 40 feet for xbows, 20 feet for slings) if your using a sword it could be that the monsters is doing an action that doesn't have an enemy target and as such you arn't flanking them

