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Author Topic: Quests for 4th level rogue/fighter?  (Read 56 times)


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    Quests for 4th level rogue/fighter?
    « on: October 19, 2005, 06:09:00 am »
    I've been playing Layonara for about 3/4 days now (and loving it) and have managed to reach 4th level already with my character after crewing up with some more experienced characters and going on various foraging missions, killing the ratman in the sewers etc. as well as spending lots of time attempting to craft things (have still not been able to successsfully make any sandpaper, which is very frustrating as I want to learn how to work with wood...) and introducing myself to other PCs and having chats with them. I'm now wondering what to do next - I'm very unclear of the geography outside of Hlint itself, apart from a few areas (e.g. where you can gather wood) and got killed a few times when I was at lower levels after stumbling into trouble I couldn't handle (at level one I got killed by a skunk of all things...). I would quite like to go on a DM-led quest with some other PCs, but am unsure how to find out about these and also how to find out which one's would be appropriate for a level 4 character to come along to. Alternatively, are there any other things I should be doing at my level - for example I've not been to any settlement other than Hlint, are there any other settlements nearby that I could visit? Sorry about all the newbie questions...


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    RE: Quests for 4th level rogue/fighter?
    « Reply #1 on: October 19, 2005, 06:20:00 am »
    About the quest you can find them on the calender under GM led events
    All quests have recommended levels for particiants in the discription, so it's just a matter of finding one that suits your level and time zone.

    About seeing some other place than Hlint, I can recommend just asking others IG and most will be happy to give you a tour of Mistone, and you'll find that there are other places than Hlint you can go on your own I am sure.

