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Author Topic: NWN and spell protection?  (Read 127 times)


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    NWN and spell protection?
    « on: July 29, 2005, 03:32:00 am »
    Does anyone know how NWN handles multiple protection spells?
    I know there’s plenty of knowledge about the game/spell mechanics here on the forum, so I hope someone can explain how it works.

    What will happen to my protection and me?
    If I’m protected by:
    -Minor globe of invulnerability (prot against lvl 3 spells)
    -Protection from elements (30/- prot, absorb 40 against elemental)
    -Lesser spell mantle (absorbs 1d4 +6 lvl of spells)

    and a giant throws 2 fireballs at me, doing 60p damage each.

    Since fireball is a lvl 3 spell I would like it if the “globe” just made me unaffected by the spell and the other protections didn’t have to “kick in”.

    Is it so…. or does the elemental protection and spell mantle get “damaged” in the process, making me almost unprotected if I get a third fireball cast at me?

    Could it be any other strange way for the game to handle it…. like it’s the first protection cast that is “checked” first then the second one…so on?


    RE: NWN and spell protection?
    « Reply #1 on: July 29, 2005, 04:48:00 am »
    The Globe should work first, then The Mantle, then the Elemental Resistance. And the Globe doesn't just protect from level 3 spells, but from level 3 and lower spells.

    Thunder Pants

    RE: NWN and spell protection?
    « Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 07:24:00 am »
    i think it's part of a nwnw bug because you had 2 spells that would make you immune to that that they cancled each other out and thats why you got hit by the fireball

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: NWN and spell protection?
    « Reply #3 on: July 29, 2005, 11:48:00 am »
    Thunder Pants - 7/29/2005  8:24 AM

    i think it's part of a nwnw bug because you had 2 spells that would make you immune to that that they cancled each other out and thats why you got hit by the fireball

    His problem was not that he was damaged by a fireball with these spells on, it was a rhetorical question.

    I'm hoping it works the way ZV said, (not having to use up your other spells since you're immune) but I've never tested it.



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      RE: NWN and spell protection?
      « Reply #4 on: July 29, 2005, 12:03:00 pm »
      That is weird. Really weird. Are you sure it was a fireball?


      RE: NWN and spell protection?
      « Reply #5 on: July 29, 2005, 01:39:00 pm »
      Rhino - 7/29/2005  5:32 AM

      Does anyone know how NWN handles multiple protection spells?
      I know there’s plenty of knowledge about the game/spell mechanics here on the forum, so I hope someone can explain how it works.

      What will happen to my protection and me?
      If I’m protected by:
      -Minor globe of invulnerability (prot against lvl 3 spells)
      -Protection from elements (30/- prot, absorb 40 against elemental)
      -Lesser spell mantle (absorbs 1d4 +6 lvl of spells)

      and a giant throws 2 fireballs at me, doing 60p damage each.

      Since fireball is a lvl 3 spell I would like it if the “globe” just made me unaffected by the spell and the other protections didn’t have to “kick in”.

      Is it so…. or does the elemental protection and spell mantle get “damaged” in the process, making me almost unprotected if I get a third fireball cast at me?

      Could it be any other strange way for the game to handle it…. like it’s the first protection cast that is “checked” first then the second one…so on?

      dont think it  has happened to him. As Talan said it is a what if question. What spell works first. What damage gets through type a thing.

      Good question too. This is where I learn most my nwn stuff:)


      RE: NWN and spell protection?
      « Reply #6 on: July 29, 2005, 01:40:00 pm »
      It depends, actually; Did the ogre throw the fireball and you get into it's AoE? Or was it cast directly at you, like throwing a boulder at your chest?

      If they were cast directly at your character, they would have been absorbed by the spell shield and nothing would have happened.

      However, if they were blown up beside your character somewhere, you would have been utterly, utterly caked in 20 points of fire damage and your elemental resistance would have shattered.

      Edit: I think.

      Edit2: This comes from my D&D PnP DMing experience (Whole bunch of acronyms...) as well as a lot of good ole fashioned Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn experience. :D

      Difference would have been that the spell mantle in BGII would have absorbed the fireballs but they still would have blown up and hurt your companions. Dunno if that might be the case here, but seeing how the NWN engine works, with magic it's usually total hit or total miss.


      RE: NWN and spell protection?
      « Reply #7 on: July 29, 2005, 01:58:00 pm »
       Alright, I'm gonna try and test this later as I have the spells to do so however I know for fact that it doesn't matter how the spell hits you, if you're hit with it your Elemental Resistance will be used last. (I've used Globe OR Spell Mantle with Elemental Sheild before and it's worked like that. Never together though.)


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        RE: NWN and spell protection?
        « Reply #8 on: July 29, 2005, 06:07:00 pm »
        I knew there was some NWN gurus here...;-)
        and it's like Talan's only a "what if" question.


        RE: NWN and spell protection?
        « Reply #9 on: July 29, 2005, 08:41:00 pm »
          If you have the Spell Mantle, Globe of Invulnerability, and Elemental Resistance on it will work as follows...
            The Mantle will absorb levels of spells 1d6 + 4 (or something) until it can absorb no more, or a spell exceeds it's ability. Then, it'll move to the Globe of Invulnerability which will absorb what it can. Then to the Elemental Resistance, which will soak up what it can. :)


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          RE: NWN and spell protection?
          « Reply #10 on: July 31, 2005, 10:39:00 pm »
          Thanks a lot,
          is it just trial and error, or is there somewhere I can I can read about the various NWN game mechanics....?


