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Author Topic: NWN2 In Game Footage  (Read 443 times)


NWN2 In Game Footage
« on: May 10, 2006, 03:10:42 pm »
After seeing the trailer earlier today I decided to do a little digging around and found three clips on IGN that show NWN2 in game and are very exciting! Sorry everyone if these are old videos, but they certainly show more of what the finished game will be like than the trailer!

Some interesting points:
1) Spell effect range indicators - shows where the spell will hit before it is cast! Great for mages in layo!
2) Fully controllable henchmen and the ability to pause and control each henchman to do a specific task before unpausing!
3) Character Generation System - Just wow! Probably not on a par with the sims or similar but still much improved

Obviously these videos do not show what the final game will be exactly but they give a good indication.

Note: I was going to add to the existing trailer threads, but these videos arent exactly trailers and also I didnt want anyone to miss these videos that I found really amazing!



Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 03:37:53 pm »
very cool


RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 04:22:46 pm »
Thank you very much for posting up this link.


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    RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 05:13:41 pm »
    anyone else watching this notice on the minimap it has your view radius... sorta like the metal gear games... wonder if this will play any effect in the spotting and listening skills.. as well as hide etc....   game looks absolutely great...


    RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #4 on: May 10, 2006, 07:31:18 pm »
    Layonara 2 would look so great under this system Cant wait *licks lips*


    Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #5 on: May 11, 2006, 12:56:20 am »
    It does look like facing's incorporated, actually... *He grins.* Flanking, anyone?


    RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #6 on: May 11, 2006, 03:33:10 am »
    I must say a few months back I didnt care so much abot nwn2 but now Im beginning to feel like I did a few months before oblivion got realesed... this looks great!


    RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #7 on: May 11, 2006, 05:31:18 am »
    You didnt care cause we didnt have any real ingame footage back then :).
    Stupid ingame footage making me anxious for it.
    They seem to have made a bunch of improvements in the process too!.


    RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #8 on: May 11, 2006, 05:43:09 am »
    heh heh right you are! What really existens me, is the possibilities in the new toolset, now it is actually possible to make realistic chaotic landscapes with hills and stuff instead of a chessboard AKA nwn 1 modules.


    Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #9 on: May 11, 2006, 05:56:39 am »
    Great stuff!

    I was worried that gameplay and modding was going to be lacking - mostly due to the lack of in game videos and better product specs - but the confirmation that they're following in Bioware's footsteps of modding and their commitment to gameplay made me happy.

    The only thing that's left to be seen is the computer specs but by that video we can see that the video card is going to have to be a good quality one, at least.  Oh that scene transition took a LONG time, IMVHO.

    Thanks for the link, the videos are really intresting and it'll be fun to play whenever it comes out.


    Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #10 on: May 11, 2006, 06:07:16 am »
    Did I ever tell anyone how much I love character customization?

    It's why I have the Sims2 >_>;;;;....speaking of which......................

    *goes to Sim2-ize all of the Layonara charcters*

    Anyway, those clips are really really awesome! I just hope my videocard will be able to run it...

    My computer can run things like Star Wars Galaxies and the Sims2 and Guildwars and all but I know NOTHING about videocards or anything...^^;


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    RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #11 on: May 11, 2006, 06:19:20 am »
    Not bad to see some ingame footage... the last video they had up yesterday was just how to change the lighting effects... boring really... we all want to see action! woo!

    I have to wonder how much the combat sequences will change.  Wonder what duel weiding looks like, etc.


    RE: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #12 on: May 11, 2006, 07:38:27 am »
    [Update Oct 2005] Brian D. Lawson: To answer both questions here at once (unofficially of course):

    1) The minimum estitamed memory to get the full eye candy will likely be 256 meg. However, that's going to require a rather potent chipset as well (i.e. 7800/R520 type of chip).

    2) The minimum estimated spec to run the game outright will likely be a 128 meg shader model 2.0 card. But as we all know, there are plenty of those out there in the NVidia FX5xxx series of cards (mainly 128 meg versions) that are miserably slow in terms of their shader performance.

    If you happen to have one of those and still want to play with decent performance, you can always run with the vertex lighting option turned on.

    So uhh... It only really applies to those with fossilised Graphics cards methinks. Google is great :)


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    Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
    « Reply #13 on: May 11, 2006, 07:58:21 am »
    It only says minimum 256 but I say PFFFT to that.....I think its going to take at least a 512mb graphics card for it to play decent....I'm just lucky I upgraded recently for playing Oblivion...^_^


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      Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
      « Reply #14 on: May 11, 2006, 08:03:31 am »
      umm i think u mean 512 ram. No game requires 512 mb graphic card yet. im sure if you have a decent 128 and at least a gig of RAM ... you will be just fine.


      Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
      « Reply #15 on: May 11, 2006, 08:59:53 am »
      I have no idea what graphics card I have. I got my computer last year and it seems to work fine with Starwars Galaxies, which everyone said would be hard to run on any computer without an upped graphics card at the time...and I had SWG on the highest preformance rate too..

      I also have a gig of ram with the potential of adding two more if need be.


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        Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
        « Reply #16 on: May 11, 2006, 10:53:35 am »
        I still have an AGP card, but 1 gig of RAM, and the card it's a Radeon 9600. I could barely run Oblivion smoothly at the lowest settings... will I be able to run NWN2 at least with good FPS?


        Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
        « Reply #17 on: May 11, 2006, 11:37:22 am »
        Depends.. the blurb I saw on the official boards said a 9800 with the 256 ram would do okay but lower end cards are iffy. the lower end xXXX cards x300 etc might not be able to adequately run it but an x850 or 850 AGP series would do pretty well.
          I could be wrong though...


        Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
        « Reply #18 on: May 11, 2006, 01:17:57 pm »
        I finaly found time to see the video's with the game footige. Verry interesting and It all looks so great. I wonder when we can get our hands on a Demo of NWN2. Would love to play it.


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          Re: NWN2 In Game Footage
          « Reply #19 on: May 11, 2006, 01:53:11 pm »
          Like the footage and the action first time I have seen any of the footage from NNWN 2 and I like it