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Author Topic: NWN2 is awesome!  (Read 2269 times)


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Re: NWN2 is awesome!
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2006, 01:35:51 am »
Anti aliasing will be added next patch.  I heard turning off Bloom really helps frame rates with a lot of people..  Personally I think it looks funny with bloom on anyways.  I have not upgraded my machine in about a year and a half and they game runs fine for me.  Personally, I think it's awesome - so far the campaign is much better than NWN1.

Talan Va'lash

Re: NWN2 is awesome!
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2006, 04:00:20 am »
Doc-Holiday - 11/3/2006  10:31 AM
yeah it's requirements are a bit crazy.. but I do remember trouble with NWN1 when it came out... constant complaints about the camera angles and the grafics and such and so forth

The camera angles in NWN1 when it first came out, in fact, all the way until HotU were VERY limited.

You could only zoom out to about 1/2 or 2/3 the distance you can now and you could only rotate down to something like 50 degrees and up to 90 (straight down.)

I assume this limitation was in place because a far zoom and a low camera angle could drop your frames to below 1 or something. I think it'd be neat if camera constraints were a preference you could set. So if your PC can handle wider angles you could enable them.

Though I'm just assuming the new issue in NWN2 is the same as the old issue in NWN1. My copy hasn't arrived yet.


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    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #42 on: November 04, 2006, 06:09:10 am »
    Hmm..Alot or people base NWN2's future on NWN1's progress, when I dont think it will be very simaliar. Obsedian isnt Atari, and I think they have this plan to make the game better in thier own way. They need to take some pointers from atari


    RE: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #43 on: November 04, 2006, 08:05:59 am »
    Let's all remember something....
      Obsidian, like Bioware was for NWN1, is the game developer for NWN2. Atari is the distributor and does not actually do the development, though they do have influence over release dates. Atari is owned by Hasbro, who also owns Wizards of the Coast and thereby the intellectual property of the Dungeons and Dragons franchise.
      Comparing Obsidian to Atari is simply not a valid comparison, and is not really a reasonable metric on whether the game will ultimately succeed or fail.


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #44 on: November 04, 2006, 12:48:20 pm »
    Think he meant bioware. heh. could be wrong


    RE: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #45 on: November 04, 2006, 12:57:16 pm » got to get it now...


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #46 on: November 06, 2006, 09:14:54 am »
    Dorg has sucinctly stated exactly what I've been babbling this whole time


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #47 on: November 06, 2006, 10:09:49 am »
    I got this game and its resource hog.  runs like a dog on a 3 ghz p4 with 2 gig ram and a 256 meg Nvidia pciE video card. Granted the vid cards a little older, but this games is almost unplayable its that slow.  I'm still trying to tweak setting to get it at least to a tolerable speed.  *grumbles and goes back to tweaking*
    "Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

    Oscar Wilde


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #48 on: November 06, 2006, 10:22:08 am »
    I like it. Spells are pretty. My character is pretty. I get a certain satisfaction from stabbing lizard men...

    I miss my old NWN1 camera angles at times but I've managed to fix it to something Im comfortable with

    I do however miss my ability to Right click. I mean...YAY 10 Quick Slot menues, but ...No right click for any spell casting radicals.

    Also, is anyone aware if there is a button on the keyboard that will let me switch between quick slot menues so I dont have to click the screen?


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #49 on: November 06, 2006, 03:49:55 pm »
    Shift + number of quickslot menu to switch them.

    So like shift+1 puts you to the first quickslot menu, shift+2 to the second... There's a slight delay though but you kinda get used to it. It's even handy seeing as there's 10 of those things you can fill with quickslots.


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    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #50 on: November 07, 2006, 03:13:26 am »
    Well I got it, and I really really like it, graphics wise, it's quite nice.  Silly me won some money playing poker the weekend before last so I was able to grab a new MB, vid card, and another 1GB stick of RAM.  So I basically have all the bells and whistles turned on now and it looks great.  I still get choppy when I go down on an angle that has alot of the background in it,  IE when I go to eye level, well more like anthing less than a 45 degree angle.  Oh BTW I purchased an ASUS Dual SLI ready motherboard, have 2GB of RAM total now, and a new BFG Geforce 7950 GT OC 512MB Video card.  I threw it in my old case with the P4 3Ghz chip and that is what I am playing with now. Really really need to get a good monitor now, and a fancy case....but I digress.  Still going through the SP campaign and I gotta give some cudos to Obsidian quite alot of stuff to do in it.  Alot of different characters/henchmen, I can see myself running through it a couple times to see all the different things available character/storyline wise.  It takes some getting used to the new GUI I agree, the first thing I did was remap the z key to the tab key, didn't really notice how much I use the TAB key in NWN1, really gotta cut down on that.  Also I turned on the option to keep the last thing selected as a target, really easy in fights to get people to attack the same guy that way.  Just hit spacebar right click the target guy once, and then hit spacebar left click henchmen pics, they basically all run over to the same guy, well unless you have told one of them to cast a spell or something...also just because there is only four icons showing for actions/spellcasting doesn't mean you can only select four things for the guy to do.  With the last target thing on I can quickly buff my guys, select the wizard by left clicking his pic, then right click the henchman on screen that you want to buff, left click all the spells you want him to cast...right click on the ground, right click on the next one to buff rinse and repeat....can do this the other way to by using the t or is it shift-t key/s I believe, which repeats the last action, so you can click the spell click the chars pic to cast it on, hit T and click the next pic.  Liking all the quickslots though, thinking it might be a little overkill.  But, I haven't gotten into a wizard/sorc or multiclass character yet.  Nor have I built a char with alot of useable skills or feats that would use so many slots 120 of them heh, that leaves 8 inventory slots open that you can't map to a quickslot, bastards!!


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #51 on: November 07, 2006, 09:59:05 am »
    I had trouble with lag but after a bit of tweakage and lowering the screen res I found it ran like a dream


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #52 on: November 08, 2006, 06:30:18 am »
    Im still waiting on my preorder, being in the land down under means big game developers can forget about us at times.
    Im told the 16th /sigh.


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    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #53 on: November 08, 2006, 07:00:03 am »
    Oh and even though there isn't a radial option, hold down shift and right click on the ground ;)


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #54 on: November 08, 2006, 09:43:43 am »
    I started off feeling let down.  But as I learned the mechanics I started to like it more and more.  But for PWs Im not sure how well it would work in its present state.  Amongst other things the movement (AI) around is very poor with PCs and NPCs taking strange routs to targets in combat and incurring foolish attacks of opportunity.  I can't imagine what sort of cluster it would be with multiple players trying to move around.

    Also I am very disapointed at the lack of beard options for dwarfs.  Once the game gets patched up, modded and the camera is fixed it should be very good.


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #55 on: November 08, 2006, 10:14:11 am »

    Oh.. and anyone else feel that Gnomes now look exceptionally creepy...

    almost like little pedifiles... or so far as my imagination has them

    I can't stand to look at them in NWN2 *shiver*



    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #56 on: November 08, 2006, 10:16:37 am »
    Yes they do look odd.  Also odd is there is no discipline skill.  My fighter is becoming a lore master *laughs*


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #57 on: November 08, 2006, 10:29:22 am »
    To answer LynnJuniper's question:

    Right clicking is for selecting targets.  Also, you can Shift + Right click on objects and characters to give detailed comands.

    The quick slots are not meant for spells any more.  Press the F key to get quick cast options, Right click on your targets and cue up your spell selections.

    Anyone els have a feeling like layo has influanced NWN2?  I don't want to metion any spoilers, but I am offten getting this, Layo vibe from the game, mosty on the RP side.

    Aeon Blues


    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #58 on: November 08, 2006, 12:01:37 pm »
    Yipppppppppppp ppppppppppppeeeeeeeeee
    I love it


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    Re: NWN2 is awesome!
    « Reply #59 on: November 09, 2006, 04:15:13 am »
    Gotta admit I had a few Layo moments so far, stuff kinda like,

    "Hey, this is probably what the Citadel would look like under the mountain.."


    "Wow some of these henchmen are just as strange/deep as the ones people play on Layo!"

    Heh, what can I say I'm gonna compare any CRPG I play from now until the end of my RP'n career to Layo I am sure...doubt anything will ever live up to the comparison though :)

    I agree with some of the points made above, NWN1 came a long way from its release, and I believe 2 will also.  PW wise I am worried though, I think things will have to be stripped down even more than they are now with NWN1, in order to run a fast and heavily played server like Layonara.  Time will tell though and I'm probably going to be around long enough to find out I am worried for no reason.  

    After I'm done running through the SP module, several times I'm sure, I'll probably tinker with the toolset and make up a couple maps of Layonara areas...just for the heck of it, maybe I'll post some pics here to see what you all think of them ;)  Maybe we should have a little contest for fun in the new year to see who can build an area with NWN2 that comes the closest to what L thinks the area should look like he he he.