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Author Topic: NWN2  (Read 223 times)

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« on: February 07, 2006, 02:59:16 pm »
What is going to happen to this PW when NWN2 come out? I'm asking because I have time to play again and I was thinking that one of three things will happen.

1) LO continues as just NWN1 PW.
2) LO continues in NWN2 but existing characters/storyline are dumped in some way. A do over, if you will.
3) LO continues in NWN2 with current storyline but start off at lvl1

I really don't want to start into LO again if it is either of the 1st two. The 2nd one, I could wait around until LO converts. Any chance the third or some other option will come to be?


Re: NWN2
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2006, 03:50:57 pm »
I think it depends on the sort of Beast NWN2 turns out to be...I read recently on the offical forums that they haven't even decided whether NWN2 will support NWN custom content yet.  If it does then I suspect that that will go a long way to it being adopted by Layonara.


Re: NWN2
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2006, 04:57:34 pm »
Yep, what Steverimmer said.  Hopefully they will take into account the large user community and not just go for the quick buck.  I know every update by Bioware creates a lot of work for the team.  A new game version will most likely be a large undertaking.


« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2006, 07:12:08 pm »
Guest - 2/7/2006  5:59 PM
What is going to happen to this PW when NWN2 come out? I'm asking because I have time to play again and I was thinking that one of three things will happen.

1) LO continues as just NWN1 PW.
2) LO continues in NWN2 but existing characters/storyline are dumped in some way. A do over, if you will.
3) LO continues in NWN2 with current storyline but start off at lvl1

I really don't want to start into LO again if it is either of the 1st two. The 2nd one, I could wait around until LO converts. Any chance the third or some other option will come to be?

While there are many possibilities that are all dependant on "what is NWN2 when it finally ships" that it's very difficult to predict the end results.

However, what I can tell you so far is that:
  • Yes, Layonara will most-likely migrate to NWN2 at some point.
  • When the world migrates, it'll be the start of a "new age" and all the current characters will become part of the "history of the current age" in some way. For instance Epic characters will become "Legendary" and their "children" will potentially inherit various things from their epic bloodline. (Possibly things like: Fort Raynold, Ashley Temple of Katia, etc where the decendants are the keepers of those places and must defend their bloodline.)
  • The NWN1 age of Layonara will continue to run until all the suitable systems already inherent to the NWN1 world are forward-ported to NWN2.
  • A LOT of the direction and specifics of the character migration is of course dependant on how the current world-plot (Soul of a Lost Ancient) concludes.
  • As always, this is all subject to change according to the whim of Murphy's Law, Leanthar's final decision(s) and other such outside factors.

I hope that helps!



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Re: NWN2
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2006, 07:22:38 pm »
Sounds Awesome! I too hope that they will resist going for the big buck and think of there fanbase, but unfortunately money seems to make the western world go round so we will just have to see and cross our fingers i guess.

One thing I forgot to mention is that they have seemed to resist the urge to make NwN2 a pay to play MMORPG so if thats any indication of there intentions at all I'd have to say it seems to support a bias towards staying true to there Fanbase rather then easily cashing in on the  successful NwN bandwagon so to speak.


Re: NWN2
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2006, 07:35:22 pm »
Great info OneSt8!

Tir McDohl

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    RE: NWN2
    « Reply #6 on: February 07, 2006, 08:06:27 pm »
    What you should keep in mind is exactly how long it takes to create a PW-sized module for NWN 1.  From what I hear(don't ask), it'll be very similar to NWN 1 module-making in 2, but with room for improvements for those who want to improve.  In all probability, it'll be a while before you see many full-on NWN 2 PW modules, even after NWN 2's release.

    I think you'll see a good few months where NWN 2 is available with very little custom content.  I fully expect a lengthy transition period, exceeding even that of CEP servers.  The hefty graphics engine upgrade will only make that transition longer, since a good portion of the player base might be unable to run the game at first.

    All in all, it's way too early to even guess what'll happen, since there's entirely too many variables about NWN 2 that aren't being commented on just yet.

    As far as NWN 2 aiming to "cash in", I'd have to say don't worry.  Not only are many key parts of the game being openly discussed with fans, but there are MANY fans who have been taken on as staff-members for the development of the game.  They also seem uninterested in unjustly hyping the game; they've come right out and said many things will simply not happen, such as the z-axis.  Such honesty usually indicates that there's not much to hide, or worry about.  Also, there's no Lucasarts to unjustly rush the game to the shelves this time around. (blatant KotOR 2 rip)


    Re: NWN2
    « Reply #7 on: February 08, 2006, 01:48:30 am »
    I'm gonna say this since I am in the forefront of modding for half life... When half life 2 was in the final productions of being released mods and addons were already under way. If at any point tht Bioware releases the souce coding for NWN2 then there is a great chance that CEP packs and addons will be availble as soon as the game comes out... That is a theory... I don't know if bio is gonna do it or not. But if we're lucky then yes.

    Now lets hope we get the choice of being left handed or right....