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Author Topic: Ok, My love for the sprit is drawing thin..  (Read 122 times)


Ok, My love for the sprit is drawing thin..
« on: November 24, 2006, 10:59:39 pm »
New power supply was added but now the PC thinks its over heating and says that it's recovering from a and over heat... Just before its done loading windows it shuts off. If I turn it back on a warning sound comes off the HD and it shuts down after 10 seconds.

I was thinking of the thermal greese because the one time it made that noise the fan fell off the CPU and when I installed the Power supply I HAD to take the cooling fan off.

I trippled checked every thing the fan is in the CPU looks ok and there are no loose wires.


Re: Ok, My love for the sprit is drawing thin..
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2006, 12:16:26 pm »
Any suggestions?


RE: Ok, My love for the sprit is drawing thin..
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2006, 12:21:30 pm »
At this point i dont knwo either.


Re: Ok, My love for the sprit is drawing thin..
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2006, 12:37:22 pm »
You may have already tried this but, and forgive me if I state the obvious

First, disconnect ALL devices not essential to basic operation
ie. unplug your speakers, printers, usb devices. Then open the case up and remove *ANY* expansion cards you might have installed (modems, soundcards). The disconnect the drives from the system

By this point you should have a motherboard with a graphics card, memory and CPU. Nothing else.
Now, double check the CPU heatsink/fan, and all power connections

Leave the case open, and power her up. Does it behave now? OK, you can't test windows like this, but basic operations at what you're looking at. While the case is open, check the CPU fan is spinning. If problems persist , hop into the BIOS setup, and find the option to reset to default (a "failsafe" or "conservative" option if you have a choice of several defaults)
Check the CPU settings match the actual CPU!
If after this, it still misbehaves ( and you are TOTALLY confident in the new PSU) I'd take a guess at a shot motherboard

Hope that helps a bit!


Re: Ok, My love for the sprit is drawing thin..
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2006, 09:07:03 pm »
the motherboard is a classic Intel some odd number. I did some more research on my CPU and I'm Starting to tweak out, most of the CPUs (IE the one I HAVE....( are prone to overheating in basic idle... While I did have 2  28 mm ball bearing fans, i never did keep the thing clean, maybe I dusted her 3 times in over a year... Well Next pay check is gonna be sank into getting her run, I'm gonna go and Send her to the shop and pray.

If its a CPU I can get a cooler and cheeper replacement with out sacrficing GHZ

