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Author Topic: Spell Sword questions  (Read 155 times)

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Spell Sword questions
« on: April 11, 2006, 04:44:28 am »
Hay all, im hopeing to start playing layonara online soon and I have a few questions about the spell sword.
1)How do you become a spell sword?
2)Can they get the lvl 9 spells?
3)What stat do they use for their spell casting? WIS,INT, or CHA?


RE: Spell Sword questions
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2006, 05:27:52 am »
Spellsword is a prestige class and cannot be taken immediately. You must first meet the other requirements for the class, those being arcane casting, base attack bonus and whatever else there may be. We require a minimum of 5 levels in each class you take prior to Level 20, so at the very least, you need 5 levels in wizard/sorcerer. Most who go this route also take levels in Fighter or some other more combat-oriented class. To answer your questions in order...
  1) Develop your character through RP, a character development journal and leveling to meet the requirements of the class, then resubmit when you are ready to start taking Spellsword levels. You may wish to complete a CDQ (Character Development Quest) to complete your transition to Spellsword.
  2) Well that all depends on how many levels of Wizard you take, as a Spellsword's progression is 1/2 that of the arcane caster class. Chances are that you will not, and if you do, it won't be until far into your epic levels. Keep in mind it takes at least a RL year for characters to be elligible for epic levels.
  3) Spell casting for Spellsword follows whatever arcane casting class they're based on. So if you start as a Wizard, it's INT...start as a sorcerer and it's CHA. There are no "Spellsword" spells.
  There's information on this class in the campaign handbook, which outlines the requirements for this class as well as information on character creation in general both in the handbook and on the forums.
  Hope that helped.

