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Author Topic: Concerning the orc quest:  (Read 143 times)


RE: Concerning the orc quest:
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2005, 01:14:00 pm »
Bil be keeping eye on yous yes he is


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    RE: Concerning the orc quest:
    « Reply #21 on: September 14, 2005, 01:19:00 pm »
    We be keeping eyes on Bil - Bil make fine cook and cleaner!


    Harlas Ravelkione

    RE: Concerning the orc quest:
    « Reply #22 on: September 14, 2005, 01:23:00 pm »
    Thank you for your constructive comments and views... and for the kind words. ;)

    But a quest, or series for that matter, is only as good as its participants/players. So keep up the good work! I have enjoyed watching you yesterday after the quest, and tonight as well. You seem to adapt rather quickly into your new selves. :) I am looking forward to seeing where this goes...


    RE: Concerning the orc quest:
    « Reply #23 on: September 14, 2005, 06:47:00 pm »
    Lol - while looking over a printout of the above-listed "Ael's perspective" entry a moment ago, I caught a typo - as if it wasn't confusing enough, already.  :P

    And it's past the 30-minute editing deadline.  So the fourth sentence of the next-to-last paragraph should read, in part: "And the principle of maintaining the security of Mistone (an end)...."  The typo was "and" where I meant "an".  Everything else in that sentence was fine.  

    My subsequent use of "ends/means" language probably cleared it up, but now I feel better.

    Chrys Ellis

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      RE: Concerning the orc quest:
      « Reply #24 on: September 14, 2005, 07:32:00 pm »
      This is where Ael and I differ.  In my ((Xiao's)) view, the body and mind are nothing without the spirit, save for a pile of flesh. The spirit is what permeates every cell, and gives it life.  Further, the spirit IS affected by the body and the mind.  After all, what is the point of existing in this form if the spirit is unchangeable?  The spirit DOES grow, through tactile experience.  Just because the changes are not as tangible as battle scars might be on the body, the spirit is just as affected by the consequences of physical interactions in this world as the body is by the spirit; make no mistake.
        Truly, the signs of the mind being affected by the bodies of these orcs have already shown themselves.  Can the spirit be impervious to the effects of an overwhelming and bloodthirsty desire to kill everything it can? Do not delude yourselves.  This will affect you orcs more profoundly than you might imagine.


      Lol - A Discussion Among Monks
      « Reply #25 on: September 14, 2005, 08:54:00 pm »
      Well - first of all, Chrys, I +really+ enjoyed meeting you, as Xiao, in-game, with me as Ael.  And moreover, Ael really appreciated and was honored by the way Xiao introduced himself.  And he did say this, something to the effect that “I noticed your prowess....I am honored to fight at your side.”  And Xiao offered to meet with Ael sometime soon to discuss The Way, to which Ael replied that he was looking forward to it.

       We have set ourselves up for some really nice roleplay, here.   Moreover, Xiao is a senior to Ael - so without getting more specific, there is a possibility for a mentor-student relationship arising.

      And I look forward to exploring the concepts you have mentioned in your most recent post with you in-character as part of an on-going discussion between Xiao and Ael.  In fact, I would +rather+ explore this stuff in-character.  Lol - and since it seems you are as much into exploring these questions with Xiao as I am with Ael...this could make for some +very long+ discussions.  Hahaha.

      Just to set the record straight, from my perspective as a player, Xiao introduced himself to Ael briefly in the swamp before they entered the Wizard's tower.  Xiao did what Xiao did and said what he said before the group stepped into the transformation circle +and+ before the gates of Karthy, when Xiao was admonishing the group of "newbie orcs".  Both times, Ael did not respond to Xiao: he neither openly agreed nor disagreed with what Xiao said.  Yet he did take part in the orcish language discussion about whether they should kill and eat Xiao. :P

      Though Xiao doesn't know entirely (if at all) what was said, Xiao did note that the orcs were acting very bloodthirsty, as they ran off in a frenzy to slaughter more trolls.  Note that I was rp'ing Ael as already struggling with the "orc self", and he did +not+ go off on the rampage.  But did Xiao know that the orc standing over to the side trembling and occasionally cursing was Ael?  Ael did not say anything to that effect.

      So what, if anything, will Xiao do with respect to this group of individuals who has been transformed into orcs?  To what extent does he care about their well being and the effects of the transformation?  I mean, these are some pretty powerful individuals who may get changed for the worse (two of them were drow, to begin with).  Looking forward to seeing it.  :-)

      Allright.  Well I am not going to say alot more; I'm sharing some of my notes as a point of departure - we need to do as much of this as we can in-game.   ;-)

