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Author Topic: Our own NPCs  (Read 61 times)


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    Our own NPCs
    « on: March 08, 2006, 06:10:30 am »
    I was thinking, maybe someone else has already done this. Would it be possible for companies like Raven Company or some other to have an actual storefront instead of just selling it themselves.

    What I mean is that they get an NPC storeman to sell their stuff at the prices they have set when they are offline and the profit is put into whatever account they have holding their money.

    It doesn't make a difference to me, I just wanted to give out the idea if it is possible.


    RE: Our own NPCs
    « Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 06:30:09 am »
    This has been discussed in the past, and is also very similar to a system of player vendors we had at one time. At this time, we prefer that people do things in as much of an RP-type manner as possible, and that means having "live" characters doing the selling.
      So it's possible...and it may happen down the road...but Itend to doubt it's something we'll pursue in the near future.


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      RE: Our own NPCs
      « Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 08:23:52 am »
      Ok, just thought it was a neat idea.


      Re: Our own NPCs
      « Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 09:33:54 am »
      The player vendors were nice but the lag and all the problems involved with them before were a definite drag on the teams' resources.


      Re: Our own NPCs
      « Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 10:39:40 am »
      I wasn't around in the days of player vendors or anything like that (at least I dont remember them if I was...) but I think that would probably lead to a lot of players doing nothing much other than crafting and making money. If you didn't have to take the time to deal to a sale yourself you could just keep stocking up endlessly and rake in the coins without having to put a whole lot of effort in.



      Re: Our own NPCs
      « Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 10:44:17 am »
      Well the attraction of it is for people like me who work outside of the normal play time of most people.  If the person I want to buy from plays on East coast time I may never see them but I would see their vendor.  And items were not cheap on the vendors either and you pretty much run into the same thing we have now, lots of stock and no buyers because the market is flooded with items but only a limited amount of buyers.  But this is getting outside of the post.