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Author Topic: Inclusion  (Read 473 times)


« on: April 11, 2012, 12:02:04 pm »
I have a query to ask the gm team and other players.

There is a theme/series of events running on West at the moment involving dark elves (supposedly) carrying out raids, kidnappings and murders. I read about these events from the GMs and characters who are directly or peripherally involved in the posts that they write up.

I have a dark elf character and she is completely in the dark (forgive the pun) about these goings-on. While I can understand how she perhaps should not be involved, it is frustrating not to know what is going on as she travels about and interacts with others.

My query is: would it be reasonable and indeed possible, to keep players of monstrous races informed when series like this are running so they could hopefully take an active part and add to the series?


Re: Inclusion
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2012, 12:20:36 pm »
Could you elaborate exactly what you mean by, "I read about these events from the GMs and characters who are directly or peripherally involved in the posts that they write up." I'm trying to understand your source and maybe identify the angle you are approaching from before I give a more full reply.



Re: Inclusion
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2012, 12:24:55 pm »
If it makes you feel any better, I don't think most people, monstrous race, dark elf, or otherwise, truly know/knew what's going on.  As far as dark elf stuff going on, unless you happen to be part of that particular city and have knowledge of what they've planned, you're likely going to be just as in the dark as everyone else.  In the recent cases that I think you're referring to, I believe they have been run as semi-open cdq's with avenues for outsiders to get involved.  You are more than welcome to get involved in your own way as everyone else has, including some of the darker dregs of society.

If there happens to be a series that comes up in which the darker side of Layo would have some extra knowledge, however, I agree that those darker PC's should have some sort of knowledge of what's going on.  However, which faction isn't always known, so you'll still need to have your own alliances and networks in order to gain the information, or at least PM or somehow contact the GM or GMs running the quest.  I know that we've tried, recently, to put rumors up where it is applicable, but in some cases even those rumors were not applicable because people didn't even know what was going on until quest time.

I hope that helps and clears things up a bit.  No one is being excluded from these quests.  However, if you aren't involved with the right people, as always, access to information is limited.  Definitely do followups if you/your character feel so inclined.  Cheers!


Re: Inclusion
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2012, 02:30:48 pm »
Hi Row. Nothing underhanded I assure you. I meant the posts that are posted on the forums is all; posts by characters and gms alike.

Alatriel has it and thanks for your reply. You make good points and I will follow them up by talking to other characters (as perhaps I should - it IS an rp server after all :D   ) to get any info and will try to join any games that are running. I know you have some ideas for GMT players too and am looking forward to seeing something.



Re: Inclusion
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2012, 04:02:34 am »
As a further clue I believe a lot of this 'heresay' is Nihaers a WL he spoke to me a while ago about planting dark elf rumours....