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Author Topic: ox issues  (Read 275 times)


ox issues
« on: September 26, 2005, 03:11:00 pm »
so the other day I was waiting by the pond in Hlint for Sin (to look at some rings that I should have bought) and I bump into some guys ox (should say that as I was walking I clicked on it by mistake) that was tied down in a very public location. All of a sudden he comes running up to me with sword drawn throwing insults at me and threating me. Now I am all for good RP but that was a little too much. Instead of just laughing and walking away, which would hqave been the best thing to do, I stayed and told the guy to lighten up. Then Acacea, Paula, and Quin showed up and told us both to calm down. I am glad they did that even though I had no intetion of getting into a (verbal) brawl. Also I have to apologize to the guy (dont know who he was) for calling him chubs. So what is the point of this story well as Acacea said it is best to put your ox out of the way unless you are activly using it and even then walk it over to a less used area. I wonder... How would I go about opening a ox boarding house? this way you could put your ox somewhere that it would be cared for and protected and out of the way. I could rent oxes with equipment for daily use. You can get an ox with picks and shovles and boxes, leave a deposit take the ox and pay 25 gold per day or a % of your efforts. See even from a bad event good things can happen :)

John (Glenn Thendor)

Dark Jester

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RE: ox issues
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2005, 04:35:00 pm »
I've never had a problem with people clicking my ox if it's parked in town and blocking a path. I shouldnt have parked it there.

Though I usually park it far out of the way, or in the back of the smith house.

My only problem with a situation like this is people that click on an ox as they pass you on a road traveling in the opposite direction.

Something like that, if not noticed, can easily lead to an Oxen's death and the possible loss of the items in it.

Quite honestly, in a situation like that, Chaotic Grog would feel justified in putting his scythe through the persons head for scaring the crap out of his dum cow. ;)

Just my 2 cents.



RE: ox issues
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2005, 04:50:00 pm »
The only time I had a problem like this with one player (naming no names) who I'm convinsed was trying to get my ox killed, I was running through the goblin wasteland toward sielwood, when he came up behind me and "pushed" my ox. I figured it was an accident so I came in with the usual response of "Get yer 'ands off me ox!!) but he then did it another 3 times, im sure he was trying to scare the ox towards the goblin camp on the hill. The same player later looked in my ox pack whilst I was using it, but he was either invisible or sneaking so I think he assumed I couldn't see him, and im sure he would have stolen from me if I hadn't emptied it before he got there...hmmm.

As for what you were saying about safe boarding for oxes, there's always the stable up near the ox merchant. I don't use it much myself, but it works on the same principle as your idea, you pay 25gold and the ox is stored there until you go to get it again. It doesn't rent them out like you suggested, but who would pay 25GP to rent an ox for a day when you can pay 100 and have one for as long as it lives :)

Dark Jester

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RE: ox issues
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2005, 04:55:00 pm »
Hmm, Could the ability to click on a cow be removed if the cow is being led?

It doesnt make sense that someone could scare a cow off if it being led by a 5 foot rope, or maybe do a str check.

Grog with 24 str isn't gonna let go of his cow if someone tries to scare it..

That, or make the cow still follow the player, even if it is scared out of the way by someone else?

Just tossing out ideas.




RE: ox issues
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2005, 05:35:00 pm »
hmm ox klling is nasty. I mean if you do somthing stupid and get your ox killed that is one thing but trying to kill a persons ox is not cool.

Now in my story above there was no ill intent, just a mis-click.

On the rent-a-ox idea the value is also in the equipment supplied. Can picks and shovels be crafted? that would be cool, we could make higher quality (bronze, iron) picks and shovels that would be more resistant to shattering :)



RE: ox issues
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2005, 05:42:00 pm »
Intentionally getting an ox killed like it was described above (not the mis-click) is griefing and is not acceptable in this community. If the team or I ever catch this that player will be banned for at least a seven day period and perhaps more.  On top of that I respectfully ask all players to repeat this sort of incident as we depend on you (the players in the community) to help us fix this sort of anti-social hostility.


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RE: ox issues
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2005, 06:53:00 pm »
Well ... I go by the idea of "if you want it, do it yourself"

Cappyra and I put together an Inn and Tavern using the player housing system. You can craft picks and shovels and such. buy a house somewhere, have the rooms be like stables, and then have crates of rentable or buyable equipment. Charge gold for keys, and you've got a business.

Just my idea, may not be feasible for you, but find some interested businessman, and it is done.


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RE: ox issues
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2005, 07:21:00 pm »
i had my ox killed by someone once.. i simply demanded payment for the lost ox, which he gladly gave me.. on that note i found it far harder losing the chicken i was feeding  when some one fled out of the sewers and led an army of rats with him  ;)



RE: ox issues
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2005, 06:11:00 am »
glancing over this thread, so I might have missed someone else mentioning this, but there is a safe place to put your ox, in Hlint anyways.  And that would be the barn, right near where you buy the oxen.  of course, there are always a few non-thinkers who simply leave their ox right inside the doorway of the barn, so that no one can get in the thing, but the barn is still about the safest place you can leave your ox.


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RE: ox issues
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2005, 08:26:00 am »
Well when in Hlint ... I am an Ox bumper when they are sitting in common areas. I'll say hello to the stupid beast three or four times until it is in a location off the blasted road. I'm only looking out for it's life really ... Aeridin wouldn't want the animal to die because it was grazing on the gravel in the middle of the road ;)

