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Author Topic: few random questions  (Read 119 times)


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    few random questions
    « on: July 31, 2005, 07:26:00 am »
    Some things I haven't been able to figure out:

    1) does the torch or ring of cyan (light) affect my stealth ability?

    2) do you get normal XP for crafting, or only "crafting XP" on the side?

    3) do archers really need to wear a helmut?  it's concentration only, right?


    RE: few random questions
    « Reply #1 on: July 31, 2005, 07:41:00 am »

    1) no (but if a DM controls a creature he'll see a moving spot of light, not quite inconspicuous)

    2) both

    3) They don't, does help to keep the mindflayer tentacles away from your brains though.

    D Blaze

    RE: few random questions
    « Reply #2 on: July 31, 2005, 07:46:00 am »
    1.) I don't think light is taken into consideration while trying to be stealthy in NWN, however, from an RP standpoint, if you're trying to hide in a dark corner, it doesn't help to be lit up like a lightbulb.

    2.) You get normal xp for crafting, half counts to the craft and half counts to your normal point total.

    3.)If I were an archer, I'd wear at lest some form of protection. You never know when some other person may be trying to turn your head into their own personal punching bag cuz you are shooting pointy sticks into their backsides ;) Don't want to make too easy for them now do you?


    RE: few random questions
    « Reply #3 on: July 31, 2005, 08:02:00 am »
    Filatus - 7/31/2005 4:41 PM 1) no (but if a DM controls a creature he'll see a moving spot of light, not quite inconspicuous)

      Evil mage, seeing a moving spot of light casts a fireball in its direction. When the smoke clears all that is left is a pile of ash with a glowing ring twisted by the heat of the fire inside it...


    RE: few random questions
    « Reply #4 on: July 31, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
    Filatus - 7/31/2005  4:41 PM

    1) no (but if a DM controls a creature he'll see a moving spot of light, not quite inconspicuous)

    Actually, I don't think you see the light from a distance. You only see it when you
    get too close, so close the game mechanics show you despite being invis.

    Talan Va'lash

    RE: few random questions
    « Reply #5 on: July 31, 2005, 12:05:00 pm »
    yeah, technically, if you cant see the creature, your client doesnt render any vfx on that creature.  

    But, as has been mentioned, its slightly bad RP to sneak past things while holding a torch above your head.  The only reason you would be able to do so, is because the game doesnt take it into account.


    RE: few random questions
    « Reply #6 on: July 31, 2005, 05:37:00 pm »

    But you can always see the ring from protection from evil I believe. Can be wrong though.

    Guardian 452

    RE: few random questions
    « Reply #7 on: August 01, 2005, 12:52:00 am »
    DM's see all... DM's know all.


    The cool DM's don't fall back on the game engine.

    Heck.... Enzo hid from Milara more than once even though Milara has See Invis....Leanthar let me roll a Hide.

    Lemme tell you that was INTENSE!!!

    and intense as that was..... Enzo hid from Blood once too... that was UNREAL!!! I was sooo scared!
