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Author Topic: Higher Level Explorations  (Read 72 times)


Higher Level Explorations
« on: November 17, 2006, 01:50:56 pm »
First of all, Hello Everyone!

Now that that's out of the way *laughs* With Kobal no longer running his expeditions and Ael gone I was wondering if any of the higher levels say from 17 or 18 on upward would like to continue this tradition. If so I'll have Rhynn get together with some of you in character so we can better plan it. What I am asking is for the times which would be best for you. (If a time that works for most of you doesn't work for me Ill just have to make due, since my primary goal is to restart a good thing weather or not my character is directly involved).

As for my times..well December 16th to January 16th I'm pretty much free. But Up until Dec.

Monday: 5PM - 12AM EST
Tuesday 5 PM -12 AM EST
Wednesday 3PM - 12AM EST
Thursday 12PM - 12 AM EST
Friday : 3PM -2 AM EST
Saturday -- All Day
Sunday all day- 12AM EST

Thats not including quests or real life getting in the way. (Heh...)

From Jan . Onward my semester changes so my schedule is pretty much

Mon, Wed, Fri : 12PM - 12 AMEST
Tues Thurs: 2PM - 12 AMEST

This is also  to get L and the Team's Okay on this. I'm not exactly planning on 'running' east every week, but definitley to make it more involved with exploration and character, something along the lines of what I was trying to do with my Roldem "quest". There are places all over that are for the most part un, or rarely explored, so I don't see the need to hit the same old places over and over. mix it up a bit!

I'd love to see others interested


Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2006, 03:36:52 pm »
Gunther would be willing to go on these trips, whenever possible.  Preferably at 5pm PST or after on weekdays.  It'd be nice to get a share of the addy or whatever we go after.


Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 11:34:15 am »
Nothing wrong with exploring. There's plenty of caves/dungeons/other things out there. Don't always go to the same, explore! And if you perish in a dungeon, try it again with different tactics, that's what they're there for!


Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2006, 01:34:36 pm »
Thanks Ed! That's what I was going for. I noticed the other group went to the Underdark a lot and that after a while can get boring. Rhynn and I respectively want to see new places! I hope for more of an interest though *smiles*


Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #4 on: November 18, 2006, 02:11:15 pm »
I would like to respond and tell if i will be there or not .
But since i cant find the EDT time anywere on the time thingy on top of this page.....
I realy dont have a clou IF i can make it at that times....could you convert the times to any of the times on the forum clock please?
Thanks Jan a.k.a. Barion

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2006, 02:36:47 pm »
The EDT she refers to is EST on the top forum clock ;)


Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2006, 03:57:05 pm »
noticed the other group went to the Underdark a lot and that after a while can get boring.
 I can think of a reason why that became the default destination...

Black Cat

Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #7 on: November 18, 2006, 11:41:07 pm »
Could be interesting.

My available times are as follow:

Weekdays: from 16:30 GMT till well later (but let's say 23:00 GMT at the most as I need some sleep too)
Saturday and Sunday: most of the day.

Not taking any quests or RL that could come up.



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Re: Higher Level Explorations
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2006, 07:22:31 am »
If it's exploration, Sh'anda would like to go along, times for me are about the same as Black Cat give or take an hour.

