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Author Topic: Selling items for ridiculous prices  (Read 112 times)


Selling items for ridiculous prices
« on: February 26, 2006, 06:10:07 am »
Firstlymy apologies for bringing this to the surface again, but having being witness todayof an oak longbow with lense price of 2500 gold being sold for 1000 gold, I thought it well to remind everyone.
  Selling items for way less than their lense price or zero pricing guidelineis not good and will have very bad consequences in the long run.
  Now I dont say you are not allowed to barter or negotiate but keep it reasonable. It is up to us the players to make sure that this happens otherwise L and the team will have no choice but to step in and make changes which could be very bad for all involved.
  Now I know lots of you can give me 100 good IC RP reasons to sell for low prices, but that does not matter. It has been requested many times to stay in the region of reasonable prices and this request should be followed.
  For those that have not seen the previous discussion surrounding this I have provided some links to other threads which I hope give more insight and convince people to keep to the suggested pricing.
  Go hereand hereand hereif you want to read some of the previous discussion surrounding this.
  Regards Aragwen

