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Author Topic: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign  (Read 108 times)


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    Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
    « on: February 22, 2006, 02:15:56 pm »
    I hope this is an appropriate request, anyone is able to answer as we cannot write in other people's Dev journals.

    I want my character to begin the path of the Weapon master at level 10, he is currently level 7 so I have a LONG way before I get there. I want someone to let me know if I am gearing my character dev in the right direction to be approved for that CDQ. I would greatly appreciate it.

    Again, ANYONE can answer, but GMs are more encouraged.



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      RE: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
      « Reply #1 on: February 22, 2006, 09:08:19 pm »

      Looking good so far!!

      Be careful of getting too close to one sword, as you can break them (as I did two days ago) and you will want to upgrade eventually to a new one (adamantium).

      My only recommendation would be to talk about the feats you are gaining to follow the weapon master path, //using "in game" terminology.  Also, try to meet and talk to as many other weapon masters as possible!  //This would be like real world "training."

      Enjoy, and hope to see you and train sometime, though I am probably the junior weapon master on the world. //Approved to take WM levels and will at 11 (SOON!)

      Seek out Cole Norseman, Barion Firesteed, Jet, Isilme and other of the more senior weapon masters for advice and training.

      Last tip, don't forget those 4 ranks of intimidate as you gain experience, Barion did and it cost him getting approved at level 9.

      Link to my journal to save you the trouble, still have to enter the SAD story of my sword (The Cunning Sword of the Odessey) breaking and the new one's name!



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        RE: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
        « Reply #2 on: February 23, 2006, 01:49:27 am »
        Thank you, I'm already in contact with Cole as far as trainingm I travel with isilme all the time..and my character isn't attached to the sword more over the Gem inside the sword, which is a benefit because the jewel can be moved to a new sword.

        I thought that one through :-D

        Thank you for the review.


        RE: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
        « Reply #3 on: February 23, 2006, 05:10:31 am »
        Nice developement thread.   Great story telling.

        One thing you might want to work on is your connection with the longsword and it's use.  While your story mentions the sword of your father, perhaps a link could be made with your father's use of the longsword and craft of the longsword than the particular blade itself.

        My character Derrick worked at smithing to better understand the longsword.

        Here is my Weaponmaster PRC Approval.  While your story will be much different, you should see here how the relationship between man and blade came to be.

        Additionally...  seeking out a weaponmaster for some IG roleplay is a great idea.  You can also add that to your character development thread.

        Hope this helps!


        Re: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
        « Reply #4 on: February 23, 2006, 06:38:02 am »
        *waves*  We've already talked, so I won't blab on here, but you're on the right path.


        Re: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
        « Reply #5 on: February 23, 2006, 07:36:32 am »
        *points up* What they all said.

        Weaponsmithing is a great way to lean towards being a weapon master (at least if yor character would be into that). And running with other weaponmasters and RP'ing with them is always a good idea. Derrick helped Jet master a lot of his moves.

        Anyway, like they all said, just keep at it. You'll be fine.

        Pen N Popper

        Re: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
        « Reply #6 on: February 23, 2006, 10:32:39 am »
        Could also put the emphasis on the hilt of the sword.  The blade would need replacing over time, but the hilt could remain the foundation.


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          Re: Char Dev Review for Brenden Raign
          « Reply #7 on: February 23, 2006, 02:45:07 pm »
          i try to emphasize the jewel since the jewel is what drew power from the drow assault and can be moved from blade to blade. and if you look at my sword design ingame, you can see the glowing red jewel...