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Author Topic: just a few questions  (Read 81 times)


just a few questions
« on: October 23, 2005, 03:28:00 pm »
Both of my swords (iron long and short) have enchantment II's on them one fire and one ice.
1. Why cant I damage earth elementals or costructs (the crystal ones for instance). Also cant do any damage to the earth elementals with my bow (using assorted arrows bronze hickory stirge, iron hickory strige, copper oak stirge)
2. I am 9th level can I put a enchanment II and sliver II on a iron sword (long or short) and be able to use it.
3. that is it :)


RE: just a few questions
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2005, 03:44:00 pm »
jrizz - 10/23/2005  3:28 PM
1. Why cant I damage earth elementals or costructs (the crystal ones for instance). Also cant do any damage to the earth elementals with my bow (using assorted arrows bronze hickory stirge, iron hickory strige, copper oak stirge)

Can't help you with that one, though I've had a similar problem with Kurgaz :)

jrizz - 10/23/2005  3:28 PM
2. I am 9th level can I put a enchanment II and sliver II on a iron sword (long or short) and be able to use it.

No, I'm pretty sure you have to be level 11 to have both on the same weapon, but you can have one or the other at level 9.



RE: just a few questions
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2005, 09:42:00 am »
The gem golems have some pretty sick damage reduction that a measly little iron weapon isn't going to do poop against.  You are literally banging your sword on a rock.  However, the elemental damage on you swords should actually hurt them, depending on the type of golem it is.  Now, this information comes from beating on the critters myself, not from some intimate DM knowledge of the creature, so I might be wrong, but I doubt it.

I'm not as sure about the earth elementals, but the same should go for them, since they are rocks with nice DR too.


RE: just a few questions
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2005, 10:56:00 am »
jrizz - 10/23/2005  6:28 PM

2. I am 9th level can I put a enchanment II and sliver II on a iron sword (long or short) and be able to use it.

Look here for the level requirements for all kinds of weapons and enhancements.


RE: just a few questions
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2005, 11:04:00 am »
1. Been killing the golems in Berg with my iron Katana that as a electrical2 on it, my dwarf is lv10 and he does elemental damage to them, no problems...just have a smoke ready as the fight takes a while when yer facing 4-6 at once :p

2. You need to be lv11, I think, to be able to use an iron weapon with both elemental and silver enhancements on it.