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Author Topic: Misbehaving players to be crucified in MMORPG  (Read 99 times)


Misbehaving players to be crucified in MMORPG
« on: March 23, 2006, 11:40:43 am »

Soooo funny

Crucifixion is to be used as a form of player 'ban' within the virtual world of Roma Victor, with the length of the ban reflecting the severity of the punishment. For cheating by exploiting a bug and advancing his or her character's skills unfairly, for example, a player might typically receive a seven-day ban; multiple or more serious offenses will result in a longer (or even permanent) ban.


Re: Misbehaving players to be crucified in MMORPG
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 11:47:47 am »
*log in*  "You have been CRUCIFIED !!!"  (otherwise known as banned)


Re: Misbehaving players to be crucified in MMORPG
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 01:34:59 pm »

Louis D'or

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RE: Misbehaving players to be crucified in MMORPG
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 08:01:57 pm »
LOL,public humiliation is highly underestimated these days ;)


Re: Misbehaving players to be crucified in MMORPG
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 10:07:48 pm »
I remember this one player back on Lands of Acheron named "Watcho Pockets" who logged in and immediately started a thievin PK rampage when I was GMing.  Instantly I spawned the cage in the middle of town, sat inside it and ported him in.  He had to sit there for days before we let him out, in which he actually did log on frequently and get pelted with rotten cabbage by the other players.  

I wish we had a stocks DM tool that locked folk there until time served.


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Re: Misbehaving players to be crucified in MMORPG
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2006, 12:51:11 am »
You guys should write up real laws if you do that caging or stockades and make some of them obscure (well more obscure than stealing) like loitering around the road, walking through town with weapons drawn, or sitting on the grass in some towns just to show the difference in the realm's towns. So a desert town would probably have laws against spoiling water and death for poisoning wells.

A fun law would be, "no climbing tress." That would teach them elves.  ;)

Anyhow, think it would be interesting.